SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

The SongKong Tutorial

A new tutorial on how to use SongKong.

  1. SongKong Intro

  2. SongKong Tasks

  3. Status Report:Summary

  4. Status Report, Browse By Section

  5. Status Report, Browse By Folder

  6. Report, Song Details

  7. Report, Browse By Artist

  8. Report, Browse By Album

  9. Report, Browse By Composer/Work

  10. Report, Matched section

  11. Report, View as Spreadsheet

  12. Fix Songs, Basics

  13. Fix Songs, Databases used for Song Identification

  14. Fix Songs, Profiles

  15. Fix Songs, Uncheck Preview Only

  16. Fix Songs, Basic Options

  17. Fix Songs, Match Options

  18. Fix Songs, Artwork Options

  19. Fix Songs, Other Artwork Options

  20. Fix Songs, Genre Options

  21. Fix Songs, Format Options

  22. Fix Songs, Album Format Options

  23. Fix Songs, Save Options

  24. Fix Songs, Always save Genre as text

  25. Fix Songs, Force Save Option

  26. Fix Songs, Progress Bar

  27. Fix Songs Report

  28. Bandcamp Match

  29. Bandcamp Match, Basic Options

  30. Bandcamp Match, Album Artwork Options

  31. Bandcamp Match, Genre Options

  32. Bandcamp Match, Format Options

  33. Bandcamp Match, Save Options

  34. Undo Fixes

  35. Undo Fixes, Basic Options

  36. Undo Fixes, Save Options

  37. Rename Files Overview

  38. Rename Files, Folder paths

  39. Rename Files, Folder Path Lengths

  40. Rename Files, Renaming

  41. Rename Files, Moving

  42. Rename Files Report

  43. Delete Duplicates Overview

  44. Delete Duplicates, Song is a duplicate if has same option

  45. Delete Duplicates, Basic Options

  46. Delete Duplicates, Advanced Options

  47. Delete Duplicates, Save Options

  48. Delete Duplicates, Example

  49. Delete Duplicates, Another Example

  50. Manual Edit

  51. Manual Edit, Artwork tab

  52. Manual Edit, Artwork tab with Desktop UI

  53. Manual Edit, Other tab

  54. Auto Edit

  55. Auto Edit - Capitalizer

  56. Auto Edit - Find and Replace

  57. Auto Edit - Using Find and Replace to set a value for an emoty field

  58. Auto Edit - Trim

  59. Fix Charset Encoding

  60. Fix Charset Encoding Options

  61. Fix Charset Encoding Example

  62. Monitor Folder

  63. Monitor Folder Basic, Options

  64. Monitor Folder, Rename Options

  65. Meta Grater for removing metadata

  66. Meta Grater, Basic Options

  67. Meta Grater, Save options

  68. Importing Naim Wav Metadata Files

  69. Using Fix Songs Again on Already Processed Songs

  70. Preferences, Save Options

  71. Preferences, Filename Masks

  72. Preferences, Modifying Rename Masks

  73. Preferences, Understanding Rename Masks

  74. Preferences, User Defined Javascript Functions

  75. Preferences, Anatomy of User Defined Javascript Functions

  76. Preferences, Editing Example Song Data

  77. Preferences, Support

  78. Preferences, Classical

  79. Preferences, Genres

  80. Match to One Album

  81. Match to One Album Basic Options

  82. Match to One Album Save Options

  83. SongKong and Classical Music

  84. Classical Music Composer options

  85. Classical Music Options for MinimServer

  86. Classical Music Track Artist

  87. Admin, Recovering Disk Space

  88. Admin, Emptying the Database

  89. Admin, Deleting Reports and Logs

  90. Create Support Files

  91. Licensing

  92. Remote or Desktop Mode

  93. SongKong Command Line

  94. SongKong for Docker

  95. Field Mapping, ID3

  96. Field Mapping, Ogg/Flac

  97. Field Mapping, Mp4/Wma

  98. Performance, Memory Configuration