SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Tutorial: Bandcamp Match


The Bandcamp Match task that can identify albums from the Bandcamp website. Bandcamp is the premier website for self- released albums with over 15 million digital albums, the vast majority of these are not listed on the MusicBrainz or Discogs sites.

Bandcamp Match works in a similar way to the existing Fix Songs task, and can be used on multiple albums at a time.

After processing files the usual report is created, note there are fields only used by Bandcamp matching

Bandcamp Artist Url , url of the Bandcamp Artist
Bandcamp Album Url , url of the Bandcamp Album
Credits , Credits free text


Because Credits are stored by Bandcamp as free text it is not always possible to extract all the information but we can still usually extract performers and our defined technical roles such as Producer and Engineer into their own fields.

