Allowed Genres
When songs are matched to a Discogs album we check the genres provided by Discogs for that release against the genrelist file, if the Discogs album has multiple genres in this list then we use the genre that comes earliest in this list, so the order of the list is important - if you want to keep them you should put more specialist genres such as Power Pop before more general categories such as Pop .
If no match is found no genres will be added to songs matched to that release.
Having found a match SongKong uses that value if that is the only value on the line, but if there is a ‘;’ and then a second value it will use that second value, this is useful for mapping multiple similar genres to a single genre.
All profiles share the same genrelist file
Example:Map three genres to one
All three genres are mapped to a more generic genre when such specific genres are not required
Black Metal;Metal Goth Metal;Metal Doom Metal;Metal
Example:Dealing with spelling variations
Maps Bossa nova to Bossanova, Bossanova is allowed through untouched
Bossanova Bossa nova;Bossanova