SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Tutorial: Preferences, MusicBrainz Script Fields


This refers to the values of the linked MusicBrainz album, so this allows us to get the original MusicBrainz values rather than the values stored in the song itself. When applied on real songs this only has any effect if our song is linked to a MusicBrainz release by having a MB Track Id and MB Release Id. The examples displayed when modifying the script uses whatever values the fields have in example data.

Artist Credits

Every MusicBrainz song can have a Recording Artist Credit and a Track Artist Credit, an artist credit can consist of multiple artists and join phrases between the artists. For most releases the Track Artist Credit is the artist credit for the track as listed on the release, whereas the Recording Artist Credit is the standard credit for the linked recording, they are usually the same. But for releases using the MusicBrainz Classical Guidelines the Recording Artist credit is the credit for the track as listed on the release and the Track Artist Credit is the composer credit for the track. This is a rather confusing aspect of MusicBrainz that is dealt with automatically by the Fix Songs task but we should be aware of it if using these fields in our script.

The Album Artist Credit is the artist credit for the album artist.

So we have three types of Artist Credit:

  • Album Artist Credit
  • Track Artist Credit
  • Recording Artist Credit

For each one we have a number of fields, e.g for Album Artist

  • Album Artist - Credited (mb_release_artist)
  • Album Artist - Latin Name (mb_release_artist_latin)
  • Album Artist - Standardized (mb_release_artist_std)
  • Album Artists - Credited (mb_release_artists)
  • Album Artists - Join Phrase (mb_release_artists_join_phrase)
  • Album Artists - Latin Name (mb_release_artists_latin_name)
  • Album Artists - Sort Name (mb_release_artists_sort)
  • Album Artists - Standardized (mb_release_artists_std)

The singular versions provides the artist credit as a single value making use of the join phrases.

The plural versions provides the values as an array

For each artist in the credit Credited uses the artist name as credited, Standarized uses the artists standard name, Latin Name uses the artist latin name if possible , Sort Name uses the artists sort name and Join Phrase uses the join phrase for each artist in the artist credit.


Title store the track title, but Recording Title is the title of the underlying linked recording and this may be different.

Release Groups

Different versions of a release/album are assigned to a release group. The mb_release_group field stores the Release Group Title, this may differ from the Album Title (mb_release). A MusicBrainz release group can have a singular primary type (mb_release_group_primary_type) that can be

  • Album
  • Single
  • E.P
  • Broadcast
  • Other

and multiple secondary types (mb_release_group_secondary_type) that can be

  • Compilation
  • Soundtrack
  • Spokenword
  • Interview
  • Audiobook
  • Audio drama
  • Live
  • Remix
  • DJ-mix
  • Mixtape/Street
  • Demo
  • Field recording
