SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Jaikoz Music Tagger   Jaikoz Issues

Topic Replies Activity
Unexpected problems 2 13 July 2009
Just a few annoyances on how it Tags my music 2 12 July 2009
Keyboard short cuts interfere with terminal selection (Linux) 1 6 July 2009
Installing 3.1.0 5 28 June 2009
Manual tagging of OGG Vorbis file 2 28 June 2009
HD failed... recovery of tags possible from backup? 3 21 June 2009
Rename Folders from tags 2 21 June 2009
Jaikoz doesn't see folder named "Bj�rk" 3 18 June 2009
Acoustic ID issue... 6 18 June 2009
maximum number of tracks on album 2 18 June 2009
Problem with online features 4 18 June 2009
Delete bug 2 18 June 2009
Save failed 8 9 June 2009
Three items 2 8 June 2009
Jaikoz Issue 2 5 June 2009
Album Art Issue 3 29 May 2009
Unexpected Problem with Jaikoz please report problem to 2 29 May 2009
Runaway loop while auto-renaming files... 3 29 May 2009
AutoCorrecting "Correct Filename from Tags" is not working properly 13 29 May 2009
Bit Rate is always 705 kbps 2 29 May 2009 doesn't exist? 8 27 May 2009
ePUID:WARNING: Unable to create Puid for:8:/home/dranorter/Music/Music Collection!/Unknown Artist/un 5 18 May 2009
First use - some issues 4 18 May 2009
SEVERE: Unable to save record 0 ... because of the following error: Argument cannot be null 4 16 May 2009
MusicIP Id retrieval 1 15 May 2009
Windows 7: Oggs truncating/corrupting 2 14 May 2009
iTunes update apparently fails on Win7 RC1 (COM Exception a0040202) 1 11 May 2009
Improper Results When Setting Tags from Filenames that contain "_" 1 9 May 2009
Using 3.0 beta 2 : no permission 4 8 May 2009
acoustic ID bombs out after 100 or so mp3's HELP 3 7 May 2009