SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Runaway loop while auto-renaming files...

I have discovered a bug which is resulting in a runaway loop under certain conditions. I have been unable to create a replicable test scenario. However, this is what has played out now three times.

I am processing a directory containing just under 4000 files, the contents of which are the result of the consolidation of about a dozen smaller directories. While consolidating these files, duplicate filenames were addressed manually by renaming them filename.mp3, filename(1).mp3, filename(2).mp3, etc… Having had no experience with Jaikoz, at that time, I was not aware that this is the exact naming scheme that it uses when auto-renaming and duplicates are found.

I’m working through the files, one artist at a time. I come across a track which already has duplicates on the filesystem named as described above. I hit ctrl-9 to run “fix filenames from tags”. CPU pegs and STDOUT repeats the same line. User interface is non-responsive.

I’m posting this message from a different machine, else I would copy/paste an example output here. If that information is crucial, I can post it later.

At this point, the only solution is to ctrl-c in the launching terminal to kill the process.

Operating system is Linux.


please send your support files using Advanced/Create Support Files which contains important logging information so that I can resolve this important issue.

Hi the problem occurs when there is file with same name that is marked for deletion , problem now fixed in dev ready for next release.