SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Docker Composer File

hey guys,

Ive just been doing some digging around. I would like to run this in docker my self

had a crack at a compose file. haven’t tried it yet.

would like to ask some people who are using it in docker currently befor I pull the trigger.

anyway ive made one here

version: ‘3.7’

image: jthink/songkong
container_name: songkong
- PUID=1000 # replace with your user id
- PGID=100 # replace with your group id
- TZ= # replace with your timezone
- SONGKONG_LICENSE=your_license_key # optional, replace with your license key
- /path/to/config:/config # replace with the path to your config directory
- /path/to/music:/music # replace with the path to your music directory
- /path/to/input:/input # optional, replace with the path to your input directory
- /path/to/output:/output # optional, replace with the path to your output directory
- 4567:4567
restart: unless-stopped
network_mode: bridge

Hi Ronin,
I’m sorry but my level of Docker knowledge is very much limited to making a docker version of SongKong available Im not really sure what a docker compose file is.

So these lines look similar

- /path/to/config:/config # replace with the path to your config directory
- /path/to/music:/music # replace with the path to your music directory
- 4567:4567

to the example docker run command

docker run -v /CONFIGFOLDER:/songkong -v /MUSICFOLDER:/music -p 4567:4567 songkong/songkong

But then you have another line

- SONGKONG_LICENSE=your_license_key # optional, replace with your license key

for specifying a license key, but the license is stored in a file so I dont think this would work.

Thank you for such a speedy reply.

Don’t be sorry I’ll give it a run tomorrow and I will report back.

version: ‘3.7’

image: songkong/songkong
container_name: songkong
- PUID=1000 # replace with your user id
- PGID=100 # replace with your group id
- TZ=where ever you are
- UMASK=022
- /path to /config:/config # replace with the path to your config directory
- /path to music /music:/music # replace with the path to your music directory
- / path to input:/input" # optional, replace with the path to your input directory
- path to output:/output # optional, replace with the path to your output directory
- 4567:4567
- no-new-privileges:true
network_mode: bridge
restart: unless-stopped

this worked and I have it up and running.

I haven’t purchased yet. I wanted to demo it on all platform. It’s a real shame I can’t see what it has matched in the demo mode. If it is as accurate as I hope id throw my money at it right this instant. I didn’t see the band camp function? is this all under the paid version

Hi, you can see exactly what is added, its concerning to me that you dont think you can because other potential customers may have same thoughts, but you can easily see results in various ways

From report select Browse By Album from Browse menu

Click on an album to see the tracks within it

And select a track to see all the metadata for the track grouped by New, Changed and Unchanged

You can also use the View as Spreadsheet option to see the metadata for all files, one line per file

More details about reports can be found here

Its a separate task to the Fix Songs tasks, this gives users more flexibility in how they do things, its the task with the tent symbol

thanks so much for the reply mate. really appreciate it.

Firstly id like to apologise, user error on my end. I did manage to find this stuff after playing round with it a bit more on my end. I came back to it after I had replied.
I hope that your potential customers see that I’ve made an error.

Out 197 tracks I added only 38 could not be matched which is pretty impressive considering 7 where almost brand new underground bits.

I was wondering is there an option in docker to put an authorised login for the webui?

thank your for walking me through this. re: the band camp.

I suppose I mean that concerned other users who try the software do not think they can see the results, I need to make it clearer although it seems quite clear to me.

From WebUI

select Update License

Select Buy License to purchase a license and you can enter license details there,

Yeh I dunno, I think the navigation confused me but I have been between tasks. I think it’s my issue.

as for the the authorised login that comes when you purchase the license?

I hope Im being clear here, I mean when I open my browser and go to my webui via 4567
I get prompted to login ? just if another person was on my network they could start using it and trash my collection essentially.
Im probably missing something here

Sorry I misunderstood you, you want to be able to add password protection to prevent someone else running SongKong. So I did have an issue for this but closed it because not clear if anyone really needed it since the network is only going to be assessible to yourself/family usually, I have now reopened the issue.

So you cannot do it yet, but will implement it in future.

Oh nice.
yeh I feel like its just added protection. I wouldn’t want anyone getting into any of my containers through my network.