SongKong Jaikoz

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Tutorial: Preferences, Modifying Rename Masks


If we select a simple mask such as AlbumArtistorArtist/Album/Track - Title in the dropdown and then Edit we see

The AlbumArtistorArtist/Album/Track - Title part is just the Name of the mask, it could be anything but clearly makes sense to try and describe what the mask does with a sensible name.

The actual mask is defined in the Mask field, it is written in Javascript expression language

The Examples section shows three example files and they change to reflect how the mask would affect the filename of these example file

The Mask Fields lists all the metadata fields that can be used in the mask. When we select an item in this list it is added to the end of the mask, exactly what is added depends on which of the four buttons (Simple, If Not Empty, 1st Value, 2nd Value) is selected.

Adds the field

If Not Empty
Add the field wrapped inside the ifnotempty() function

1st Value
Useful for fields with multiple values, adds only the 1st value for the field

2nd Value
Useful for fields with multiple values, adds only the 2nd value for the field

Additionally the Add Folder Seperator button adds a folder seperator (’/’) this is the same regardless of the operating system we are using SongKong on.

The Javascript User Defined Functions list all the predefined functions we have written that can be used in any rename mask, this is additional to all the standard functions that come with Javascript Expression Language.

We explain this mask in more detail in the next tutorial.
