Lets break this down:
Moved all my music files to the _Original folder to see what would happen (again) and fired up SongKong
Waited nearly 5 mins for SongKong to be available using web page (Will work around that)
Made only 3 changes to the options:
Use standard Artist
Use standard Track
Simplify non-standard character
Click Start and let it run thru the night.
Got up and checked on status and no surprise SongKong crashed/stopped working again (Will work around that)
-really liked how the web page was still running and it was reporting that somehow the “Songs matched to Discogs release” value far far exceeded the number of songs it actually loaded…
4a) Checked out the folders it did create
-Artist folder
–From the quick glance there appears to be only 1 folder that was duplicated but
–As I had stated in the other thread I now have quite a few folders in foreign languages example:
was: Knut Reiersrud Band Trondheim soloists
now: Knut Reiersrud Band Trondheimsolistene
was: Germany is looking for the superstar
now: Deutschland sucht den Superstar
In the other thread I stated specifically my final fantasy collection that was converted to either all kanji/Hiragana/Kana (artist, album, and song) and you suggested I unselect Use standard Artist, Track, and release to get English equivalents
-I will work around this issue
4b) Album folder = the heart of the matter
Despite the fact the option Use standard Track title on this run SongKong is still created 2 folders with the same name in the Billy Joel folder:
The River Of Dreams (single)
The River of Dreams (single)
And it is not just this folder:
Wings of Tomorrow
Wings Of Tomorrow
Johnny Cash:
Hymns by Johnny Cash
Hymns By Johnny Cash
Picard is not able to access the files in those folder
PowerDVD is only able to ‘see’ one of the folders
VLC is only able to access files in the other folder and at random times
“Or am I missing something ?”
As a user I am not grasping why this is so hard to check if a folder already exists don’t create another.
I really don’t get why it matters where SongKong is running from or where the files are stored at…
Nearly ever report I sent you I have ‘Use Windows compatible characters in filesnames’; doesn’t matter if data is store on a Linux box, MAC O/S, Synology, etc… In my mind by checking that box I acknowledged that in some shape or form a Windows box or Windows based software will be used to manipulate the files in some shape or form. That SongKong is going to try and maintain compatibility and not just file name but also folder structure.