SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

SongKong 9.3 Aerial released 12th of July 2023

We are pleased to announce the release of SongKong 9.3 Aerial


Support For Docker version 2
We used to automatically try and detect if SongKong was running on Docker system, and if so we then used the special virtual folder /songkong for configuration. However, this method does not seem to work correctly with Docker systems using cgroup2 such as recent versions of Unraid. We have now changed this so we have special docker build so that the docker version of SongKong will always be configured to work for Docker.

Improved Reports
In the Browse by Folder section of reports the album covers have green success badges for each folder that has all songs matching MusicBrainz/Discogs and orange warning badges when they don’t. However, it was not possible to easily detect when all songs are matched to MusicBrainz/Discogs but not the same album, this is now improved so in these cases the badge will be a warning badge

For example in this screenshot although all six songs in Best of Eddie Cochran Folder folder have matched to to MusicBrainz the MB badge is orange because they have been matched to two different albums

and you can use set the MusicBrainz filter to No Full Album Match to filter such situations

The two different MusicBrainz matches can now be clearly seen by selecting the folder. This display has also been improved so that is shows more information in the summary so you can clearly see the basic metadata information without having to select the song. If you do select the link in the filename column then the full details are shown for the selected song.

We have also improved the Matched to MusicBrainz and Matched to Discogs sections so you can now see how many songs have been matched to MusicBrainz/Discogs release. If the album has been matched completely then the badge is green (success), if not the badge is orange (warning)

Improved BoxSets
We have made many improvements to the BoxSet algorithm including some fixes.

Create Support Files

We have simplified Create Support Files so that instead of entering details about the issue you just enter the url of associated topic on the forum, it is much easier for everyone if we can track every issue on the forum.

Performance of Song Loader

We have improved the performance of the song loader used by Fix Songs, and improved the logging done by the MonitorExecutors process, this writes a summary of the state of all active tasks every 5 minutes to help with support and performance analysis.

Full List of Fixes


SONGKONG-2421 Add Forum Topic Url as mandatory field to Create Support Files

SONGKONG-2444 Error Scoring when matching 2 disc release and optimize matrix because of high scoring song to track

SONGKONG-2446 Improvements to BoxSet algorithm

SONGKONG-2447 Useful if SongDetails showed basic discno/trackno, artist, title, album metadata in the header lines

SONGKONG-2452 Improvement to Monitor Executors logging

SONGKONG-2454 MultiThread FixSongs SongLoader Queue

SONGKONG-2455 Browse by Folder, good to have filter showing when songs in folder matched to more than one album

SONGKONG-2456 Matched to MusicBrainz should show if album is complete match or not , and make it easy to filter to show incomplete/matches


SONGKONG-2399 BoxSet Scorer is not doing track duration match

SONGKONG-2449 Status Report:Updated Filter should not be shown in Browse sections because no files ever updated

SONGKONG-2450 Default for Multi Disc Release option should be Never add disc no to release title

SONGKONG-2451 Desktop:In progress dialog progress bars are too high compared to the text label

SONGKONG-2453 Docker version not detecting running in Docker environment when running on cgroup2 system such as Unraid

SONGKONG-2457 When have multiple composers should display spaces between each on Browse By Composer page

SONGKONG-2458 Status Report Song Details table column should just say Value not New Value