SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

SongKong 2024:Feature WishList

We made major changes and improvements to SongKongKong in 2023, most notably we added per task profiles, split up FixSongs into multiple tasks and added support for Artist artwork and multiple sources for Album artwork. Behind the scenes it is now much easier to add to new tasks. What major feature/improvement would you most like to see in SongKong?

Please select one option and vote.

We have made a list of ideas I have but if your top requirement is not listed please post a reply.

  • Add Reply Gain task
  • Add Convert Bad ID3 Encoding (i.e Chinese to UTF8) task
  • Add Create MinimServer Artist Index task so can add artwork to MinimServer index without having to add to music files
  • Add Live MusicBrainz db search that we can check if no match in the Albunack copy of MusicBrainz
  • Add Empty Folder Deleter task
  • Add Match Abums from BandCamp task, good for self released music
  • Add Match Albums from Beatport task, good for dance music
  • Add Consistency Fixer task would so things such as artist disambuguation if have two different artists with same name
  • Add Scripter task that allows to set fields to values of other fields, apply javascript etc similar to the File Renamer syntax but for metadata fields
  • Support for Pdf booklets, most useful for Classical Music
  • Implement Dark Mode for WebUI and reports
  • Support for other audio formats (e.g .ape)
  • More advanced editing added to Manual Edit task such and Find and Replace as Capitalization
  • Implement Field locking so cant be modified at song level
  • Add SongKong to Apple app store
  • Add support for reading artist photos from Discogs
  • Add native qnap installers instead of using docker
  • Add native synology installers instead of using docker

0 voters

Just a question to the topic “Scripter task”: would this also allow to edit metadata fields to update podcasts (see my question here: Automatic podcast tagging??


Yes, you could use it to make batch edits

5 posts were split to a new topic: Album Pdf Booklets

Wish I could repeat my vote. I never get a match for remixed music, which is 95% of my collection. Maybe adding beatport and/or other sources? Also, please add some color and design into the UI!

Could you run Status Report and then Create Support Files so I can get a better of what/why you are missing matches.

Regarding UI can you give me some actual ideas I can’t action Add colour and design it is too vague.

A post was split to a new topic: Modifying the Replay Gain

So based on the results so far the favorites are:

  • Support for Pdf Booklets
  • Match to Bandcamp task
  • Scripter task
  • Lookup from live Musicbrainz database if no match found in Albunack database.

Personally I think the Scripter task could be very useful, SongKong has always focussed on automatic matching but less on editing but the Scripter task would offer automatic editing allowing a way to batch modify things, this can be particulary useful for songs that we could not identify but also if user wanted to do something to all songs

Example of this is when user wants to do Capitalization different to MusicBrainz or global Find and Replace. Now whilst this could be done with Javascript Expression language that Scripter will use I do think the syntax maybe a bit tricky for some users, and there is alot to do for the Scripter task. So I am actually going to create an Auto Edit task before the Scripter task that will do some of the most common things users likely to want such as Find and Replace and Capitalization.

Then we will look at Bandcamp task which is totally doable.

Then MusicBrainz live database lookup, we already do this for Jaikoz so no problem with this.

Then after that Pdf Booklets, more research needed on how best to do this.

And then implement the more flexible Scripter task.

This is the roadmap of major tasks, but will continue to do smaller improvements and fixes as well.

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So we have now done:

  • Auto Edit
  • Lookup from Live MusicBrainz database
  • Match to Bandcamp task

Sneak Preview, currently making good progress with the Scripter task


Scripter now added as part of SongKong 11.0 Humbug released 11th October 2024