We are pleased to announce SongKong 11.0 Humbug.
This new release now includes a new powerful scripter task, this works similar to filername masks, but instead of setting a filename mask to a new value we can now set any metadata fields to a new value, based on other metadata fields.
if(albumversion.length>0 && !album.contains(albumversion))
album = album + ' (' + albumversion + ")";
Not only that, we can also access metadata directly from the matched MusicBrainz or Discogs release instead of other metadata fields
if(mb_comment.length>0 && !album.contains(mb_comment))
album = album + ' (' + mb_comment + ")";
There are some predefined scripts and we can use these or create our own or any combination
Full details in the tutorial
Filename Masks
These have also been improved so that we can also access metadata directly from the matched MusicBrainz or Discogs instead of other metadata fields
Full details of Fixes and Improvements
SONGKONG-1162 Option to add Composer by Lastname for Classical
SONGKONG-1189 SongKong Scripting Support
SONGKONG-1835 Option to include MusicBrainz release disambigation comment as part of release name
SONGKONG-2634 Issue with logging for Artist Credit Checker
SONGKONG-2636 Provide wrapper functions for Javascript array functions
SONGKONG-2638 Filename masks, add support for creating mask from original values from mb or discogs album
SONGKONG-2639 Add Scripter tasks to set track artist to album artist and move any other artists into track title
SONGKONG-2635 URL_OFFICAL_ARTIST and URL_OFFICAL_RELEASE named incorrectly in some profiles
SONGKONG-2641 Desktop:Never Modify these Fields is listing some fields that they should not be
SONGKONG-2643 WebUI, AutoEdit ignoring setting of Capitalizer:Case
SONGKONG-2644 WebUI:AutoEdit Progress Bars not updating