SongKong is multi-threaded and task are submitted onto various queues, we currently have some logging to monitor this to ensure all task are completed and just used it to fix a bug. But it is only for debugging really so I have moved it out of songkong-user.log to a new log called songkong-process.log
But it occurred to me maybe there is something you use for the script, so this is the sort of output I was going to move
29/09/2023 08.30.32:BST:SEVERE: >>Submitted:StartMatcher to MusicBrainzUpdateSongAlreadyMatched:G114:Foldername:The Wall - Copy:isPartOfMultiDisc:false:NoOfSongs:26::Queue:15:totalSubmitted:33:totalDone:18
29/09/2023 08.30.56:BST:SEVERE: >>WorkDone:MusicBrainzUpdateSongAlreadyMatched:G48:Foldername:Delicate Sound of Thunder:isPartOfMultiDisc:false:NoOfSongs:15::Queue:1:totalSubmitted:34:totalDone:33
29/09/2023 08.31.10:BST:SEVERE: >Closing Latch:
29/09/2023 08.31.10:BST:SEVERE: >MainAnalyser Completed
29/09/2023 08.31.10:BST:SEVERE: >MainAnalyser Shutdown:true
29/09/2023 08.31.10:BST:SEVERE: >MainAnalyser Terminated
29/09/2023 08.31.10:BST:SEVERE: >SongSaver Shutdown:true
29/09/2023 08.31.10:BST:SEVERE: >SongSaver Finished
Can you check if this would cause any issues for you.