SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Loaded Songs Count dont match when run FixSongs from Cmdline

SongKong is multi-threaded and task are submitted onto various queues, we currently have some logging to monitor this to ensure all task are completed and just used it to fix a bug. But it is only for debugging really so I have moved it out of songkong-user.log to a new log called songkong-process.log

But it occurred to me maybe there is something you use for the script, so this is the sort of output I was going to move

29/09/2023 08.30.32:BST:SEVERE: >>Submitted:StartMatcher to MusicBrainzUpdateSongAlreadyMatched:G114:Foldername:The Wall - Copy:isPartOfMultiDisc:false:NoOfSongs:26::Queue:15:totalSubmitted:33:totalDone:18
29/09/2023 08.30.56:BST:SEVERE: >>WorkDone:MusicBrainzUpdateSongAlreadyMatched:G48:Foldername:Delicate Sound of Thunder:isPartOfMultiDisc:false:NoOfSongs:15::Queue:1:totalSubmitted:34:totalDone:33
29/09/2023 08.31.10:BST:SEVERE: >Closing Latch:
29/09/2023 08.31.10:BST:SEVERE: >MainAnalyser Completed
29/09/2023 08.31.10:BST:SEVERE: >MainAnalyser Shutdown:true
29/09/2023 08.31.10:BST:SEVERE: >MainAnalyser Terminated
29/09/2023 08.31.10:BST:SEVERE: >SongSaver Shutdown:true
29/09/2023 08.31.10:BST:SEVERE: >SongSaver Finished

Can you check if this would cause any issues for you.

nope, I am actually only using the output of the cli to generate the notifications. Thanks for having thinked about this paul ! :slight_smile:

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Is something heppening today ?

The tasks are super slow. It looks like only one core is used atm, and all my disks are spn down :

fixing a fodler with less than 7k files took almost 5 hours.


Server is all running okay, maybe something specific to this folder, perhaps you could send me reports and logs, I see there is one error logged.

Hi, seems there was a problem with AcousticBrainz server, but seems to be okay now

If still having problems you can try disabling Update Mood and other acoustic attributes such as BPM option then SongKong should no longer need to access this 3rd party server

it’s something else, look at the rename task, nothing is happening, literally :

FYI, here are the settings I’m using :

But as you can see, songkong is not doing anything during the rename task for that folder. I will try to skip to the next one. To see if things are improving.

Hmm, you reported it for the Fix Songs task so I don’t understand the reference to the Rename Files task. The best thing to do is always send me report and logs, without both of those very difficult to work out problem. You can do this either by running Create Support Files immediately after failure or zipping up your archival, unfortunately there is some issue for me trying to download myself if the on the fly zip is greater than 15mb.

SongKong 9.6 Whirlpool released 29th of September 2023 has some of your requested fixes and improvements.