For each (selected) songs this finds up to ten potential matches in the MusicBrainz Database, a similar algorithm is used as for the Auto Correct from MusicBrainz but Manual Correct is song based instead of release based , and instead of automatically selecting the best match, up to ten matches are displayed and it is your decision to select a match or not. Matches by Acoustic Id are shown first, then matches by meta data - sorted by their rating. You can modify what fields are displayed and in what order and these changes are preserved.
If you select the pop-up menu for a song you have some further options:
Match Songs to Selected Release
This looks at the Release Id of the selected song, it then checks all the other potential matches for the other songs and selects any match that has the same Release Id. This is a nice easy way of matching a whole album of songs just by finding the best match for one song.
View This Album at MusicBrainz
Displays the selected songs album details in MusicBrainz using your Web Browser
View This Song at MusicBrainz
Displays the selected songs details in MusicBrainz using your Web Browser
By default songs are processed in batches of ten, after the first ten songs are processed the matches are displayed in a dialog. Whilst you are reviewing the options the next batch of songs is processed in the background. If you select OK the songs are updated to your matches. This continues until there are no more songs to process, unless you select Cancel . You can select Reset to undo any changes you have made in the current batch that you are reviewing.