SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Remote Correct: Update Metadata from MusicBrainz


Update Metadata from MusicBrainz

For each (selected) song this checks that they already have a MusicBrainz Recording Id, and if they do it then retrieve the latest information from MusicBrainz for this Id and updates the relevant fields in the songs if they are enabled in your Format options.

Recording can be standalone but in most cases can be found on at least one album and if so Jaikoz will also have matched the recording to a MB Release Id, and Jaikoz uses this to update all the release information for the song. If the track does not have a MusicBrainz Recording Id but it does have a MusicBrainz Release Id then Jaikoz tries to find the correct track on the release by comparing the track-name, track number and track duration. If MusicBrainz contains a link to a Discogs Release Id the songs will also be updated with any more information available from Discogs.

This has a number of uses:

  • Ensuring that you have the latest information from MusicBrainz because MusicBrainz may have improved/corrected/increased the information held for this track since you originally matched it.
  • Jaikoz may not have been able to find a MusicBrainz Match itself, so you can find the correct track using the MusicBrainz Website yourself and then enter the id into the Unique Id field, then use this task to update all the fields based on this Id.
  • Even easier, just find the Release Id and then paste the MusicBrainz Release Id for every track into the Release Id field
