SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Jaikoz Edit Panel


Jaikoz Edit Panel


The Edit Panel is always displayed, it contains the Edit Tabs and optionally the Edit ID3 Tab

The Edit Tab starts with the same information as the View Tab showing most of a files metadata in an audio format independent way, but it is here we can edit the tag information. The fields are designed so that they can be edited inline wherever possible in an easy to understand format, the fields are similar to those within iTunes, but with additional information from MusicBrainz displayed. For example there are separate fields for all the MusicBrainz fields whereas within ID3 many of these are stored within the User Defined Text field.

Usually we can edit a field by click on the field and start typing, some fields provide a combo box with a list of options. If the field is a multi value field it is the first field that is displayed in the table, to edit additional values click on the small numbered button to provide access to the additional values. The Edit Panel can show over one hundred different fields but by default only the more commonly used ones are shown, we can show more columns for just the Edit Panel using the column control in the right hand-side corner of the Edit Panel. If we also want the same columns to be displayed in the View Panel you should use the Preferences/Table Settings Menu Item.

For formats that support ID3 (Mp3, Wav, Aif, Dsf) the Edit ID3 Tab can also be used to modify fields, this tab maps more directly to how fields are actually stored in the file, it also gives access to additional fields that are not yet in the Edit Tab

  • Selectable Combo is a drop down list where you can select a value
  • Editable Combo is a drop down list where you can select a value or enter a value not in the list
  • Multi Field Count Fields which support multi value fields have a row count specifying how may values a field contains, clicking on the multi-field count will show up a PopupWindow showing all the values held in a field.
