The Detail Pane shows details of the currently selected file in a series of tabs. As we select different files the Detail Pane gets updated automatically, we can edit values in the Detail tab and the changes will take effect immediately in the Edit Pane and vice versa.
This provides a powerful alternative to the Edit Pane for making modifications and enables quick access to fields that may not be displayed in the Edit Pane by default or without scrolling. The tabs are similar to the tabs but different to the tabs in the Edit Pane.Selections within the View Pane have no effect.
Summary Tab
This displays a summary of the file including audio information such as the length of the track and the size of the file. If the file contains artwork you can view it full size by double clicking on the image itself.
Info Tab
This shows the most common editable fields such as Artist,Album and Genre, all these fields are likely to be understood and used by most music players and organisers.
MusicBrainz Tab
This shows all the MusicBrainz Ids that can be used to lookup information from MusicBrainz, plus it shows other fields that have been populated by the MusicBrainz lookup.
Sorting Tab
This shows the most common fields together with their corresponding sort field. Sort fields are useful because they can be used to sort songs in a more useful way than using the main field. For example sort fields can be used to sort individual artists by their surname, or can disregard The at the start of group names.
Relations Tab
This shows relationships with websites such as Discogs and Wikipedia for the release.
Roon Tab
This shows performer and other credit roles
Classical Tab
This shows fields most usually used for Classical music such as Orchestra, Movement and Work
Mood Tab
The Mood tab shows acoustic analysis from the AcousticBrainz site.
Custom Tab
This shows fields that are not an easy for for any other tabs
Lyrics Tab
This shows the Lyrics associated with the file
Artwork Tab
This shows the artwork associated with the file. You can add additional artwork and delete existing Artwork.
Changes Tab
The Changes tab shows any fields that we have modified
Console Tab
The Console tab summarizes tasks you have done, plus any problems encountered. Everything written to the Console Panel, also gets written to the User Log, and everything will always be written to the User Log even if the Console Panel is not displayed.