SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Jaikoz: Metadata Fields


These are the fields that can be directly viewed within the View Pane, and edited within the Edit Pane, and the Detail Pane. These fields should be supported by most Audio Formats.

Acoustid Fingerprint

The Acoustid Fingerprint is created locally using the Acoustid tool and works by listening to the audio and generating a fingerprint based on charcteristics of the audio.

Acoustid Id

The Acoustid Id is allocated by the Acoustid server . Acoustid allocates the same AcoustId Id to recordings that have very similar Acoustid Fingerprints


The album that this recording belongs. More accurately refers to the release that the tracks belongs, for example it may be a single or an E.P rather than an album

Album Artist

The Artist for the album, the artists credited for the album as a whole. If there are multiple artists credited they are stored as one value as displayed on the release

e.g Johnny Cash with June Carter

Album Artists

The Artist for the album, the artists credited for the album as a whole. If there are multiple artists credited they are stored as a list of values


  • Johnny Cash
  • June Carter

Album Version

If the album match from MusicBrainz contains a disambuguation value to distinguish it from a different version of the release (e.g Deluxe version) this is stored in the Album Version field

Album Year

Date the album was released

Amazon Id

Amazon Id is the Amazon Identification for the associated album/release.




The Artist(s) credited for the song, if there are multiple artists credited they are stored as one value as displayed on the release

e.g Johnny Cash with June Carter


The Artist(s) credited for the song, if there are multiple artists credited they are stored as a list


  • Johnny Cash
  • June Carter

Artist Bandcamp Url

Url of a Bandcamp page that describes the artist. Bandcamp may contain additional information that isn’t currently held in MusicBrainz.

Artist Discogs Url

Url of a Discogs page that describes the artist. Discogs may contain additional information that isn’t currently held in MusicBrainz.

Artist Official Url

Url of an official web page that describes the artist. This may contain additional information that isn’t currently held in MusicBrainz.

Artist Wikipedia Url

Url of a Wikipedia page that describes the artist. Wikipedia may contain additional information that isn’t currently held in MusicBrainz.



Images can be attached to a recording such as album art. This is a multi value field with multiple attributes, a thumbnail of the first image is displayed in the View Panel

From the Edit Pane we can select Multi Field Count to add new images

An image consists of

  • The Image itself, you can add an image with the Select File button. You should take care to add images of a suitable type and size, only images in JPG format should be added for maximum portability and you should scale the image so that its file size is not too large
  • A name, this is a text field where you can give the image a name
  • A type, this is a Selectable Combo where you select a type from a predefined list

The list on the lefthandside shows all images attached to this audio file. It shows additional attributes than cannot be modified.

  • The dimensions of the image in pixels
  • The size of the picture in bytes

Sometimes we may load an Audio File which contains an Image field but no actual picture because the tagging information was incorrectly created with another application. You can still edit this field with Jaikoz but will not see a preview until you add a new valid image.

If may contain an image field with a picture in a format not supported by Jaikoz, in this case no preview will be displayed but you can still edit the other attributes of the image.

The supported Image Types are:

  • JPEG
  • GIF
  • PNG


Beats per minute

Balance Engineer

Balance Engineer Credits


Barcode of release

Cat No

Catalog no of the releases, this is allocated by the Record Label.


Classical Catalog

Classical Nickname


Displays a comment description. Comment is a multi value field with multiple attributes but Description is the one you are most interested.

In the Edit Pane we can edit the comment description of the first comment . A comment comprises the language it is written in,a short description of the comment, and the comment itself.


Defines the composer of a piece of music



Country Code



Custom field that can be used for whatever you want.


Custom field that can be used for whatever you want.


Custom field that can be used for whatever you want.


Custom field that can be used for whatever you want.


Custom field that can be used for whatever you want.

DJ Mixer

DJ Mixer

Disc No

Identifies that this field is a part of a set grouped with other fields with the same set number. usually applies to a disc number within a multi disc release so is more commonly known as Disc No.

Disc Subtitle

Disc Total

Total number of discs in the release.



The encoder that encoded the track. For some audio formats (Ogg,Flac,Mp4) modifying this field will affect the field in the Audio tab when reloaded, because they are both displaying the same field. MP3 files do not allow modification of the field in the Audio tab, so setting this field in the ID3 tag, will not affect the field in the audio tab.




Floating Bpm

Beats per minutes stored using a real number instead of an integer.



Displays the first genre this Audio File belongs to. This is automatically populated by the Correct Genres Action


This allows us to link a number of tracks by giving them the same grouping value.




Initial Key



Involved People

In the Edit Pane editing the field will bring up an Editable Combo we can select one from the predefined list or enter our own. Genre support multiple values opening the Pop-up Window allow us to enter additional genres.


International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) for the release, defined by ISO 3901, it is an international standard code for uniquely identifying sound recordings and music video recordings. IFPI has been appointed by ISO as registration authority for this standard. The ISO technical committee 46, subcommittee 9 (TC 46/SC 9) is responsible for the standard.

Is Classical

Is Compilation

Defines that this track is part of a compilation

Is Greatest Hits

Is Hd

Is Live

Is Soundtrack


Record label that this release was released on.


The language used for the metadata i.e. English, French


Who writes the lyrics for the song.



Lyrics Url

Url of a website that provides the lyrics of a song.

MB Artist Id

The MusicBrainz Artist Id allows you to access MusicBrainz Information on the Web for the associated artist.

MB Disc Id

The MusicBrainz Disc Id relates the track to the physical recording that it was taken from such as a CD pressing

MB Original Release Id

MB Recording Id

In Jaikoz upon a successful MusicBrainz match the MusicBrainz Recording Id is added to this field allowing you to access MusicBrainz Information for this recording. Since MusicBrainz NGS the MB Recording Id no longer uniquely identifies a track on a release, instead it identifies a unique recording of a song, this recording may then appear on multiple albums. To uniquely identify a track on a release you need the MB Recording Id, MB Release Id, Disc no and Track No.

MB Release Id

The MusicBrainz Release Id allows you to access MusicBrainz Information on the Web for the associated release/album.

MB Release Artist Id

The MusicBrainz Release Artist Id allows you to access MusicBrainz Information on the Web for the associated album artist.

MB Release Group Id

MusicBrainz Release Group Id, within MusicBrainz different versions of a release all belong to the same release group.

MB Track Id

MB Work Id

MusicBrainz Work Id, within MusicBrainz a piece of music is called a work, this concept is particularly important for classical music.



What format is the media, for example Vinyl or CD.

MinimServer Group


Song Mixer


Can be used to describe the mood of the song.


Movement No

Movement Total


Use to link this song to family event such as a wedding or party.



Original Album

The album that this song originally was released on. Very useful for storing the original studio album of a track that you have on a compilation.

Original Artist

If the song is a cover this can store the original artist.

Original Lyricist

Original Release Year

The year that the original album was released.

Original Year

Overall Work


Part Number

Part Type


Performer Name



Song Producer.



Quality of the recording.



Rating of song from 1 to 5 stars.

Recording End Date

Recording Engineer

Recording Location

Recording Start Date

Release Bandcamp Url

Release Discogs Url

Url of a Discogs page that describes the release. Discogs may contain additional information that isn’t currently held in MusicBrainz.

Release Official Url

Url of an official web page that describes the release. This may contain additional information that isn’t currently held in MusicBrainz.

Release Status

Release status is a MusicBrainz category used to categorize releases statuses, the allowable values are.


Release Type

Release type is a MusicBrainz category used to categorize releases types, the allowable values are

Spoken word

Release Wikipedia Url

Url of a Wikipedia page that describes the release. Discogs may contain additional information that isn’t currently held in MusicBrainz.


Remixer of the track.


The script that the songs metadata is written in


Single Disc Track No

Sort Album

This defines a value which should be used instead of the album name for sorting purposes. e.g… an album named “A Soundtrack” might preferably be sorted as “Soundtrack”.

Sort Album Artist

Defines the sort name for the album artist field, so that values are sorted as expected for example individuals are usually sorted lastname, firstname instead of firstname lastname and groups usually ignore words such as The in the name, e.g Beatles, The rather than The Beatles

Sort Album Artists

Defines the sort name for the album artists field, so that values are sorted as expected for example individuals are usually sorted lastname, firstname instead of firstname lastname and groups usually ignore words such as The in the name, e.g Beatles, The rather than The Beatles

Sort Arranger

Defines the sort name for the arranger field, so that values are sorted as expected for example individuals are usually sorted lastname, firstname instead of firstname lastname and groups usually ignore words such as The in the name, e.g Beatles, The rather than The Beatles

Sort Artist

Defines the sort name for the artist field, so that values are sorted as expected for example individuals are usually sorted lastname, firstname instead of firstname lastname and groups usually ignore words such as The in the name, e.g Beatles, The rather than The Beatles

Sort Artists

Defines the sort name for the artists field, so that values are sorted as expected for example individuals are usually sorted lastname, firstname instead of firstname lastname and groups usually ignore words such as The in the name, e.g Beatles, The rather than The Beatles

Sort Audio Engineer

Defines the sort name for the audio engineer field, so that values are sorted as expected for example individuals are usually sorted lastname, firstname instead of firstname lastname and groups usually ignore words such as The in the name, e.g Beatles, The rather than The Beatles

Sort Balance Engineer

Defines the sort name for the balance engineer field, so that values are sorted as expected for example individuals are usually sorted lastname, firstname instead of firstname lastname and groups usually ignore words such as The in the name, e.g Beatles, The rather than The Beatles

Sort Choir

Defines the sort name for the choir field, so that values are sorted as expected for example individuals are usually sorted lastname, firstname instead of firstname lastname and groups usually ignore words such as The in the name, e.g Beatles, The rather than The Beatles

Sort Composer

Defines the sort name for the composer field, so that values are sorted as expected for example individuals are usually sorted lastname, firstname instead of firstname lastname and groups usually ignore words such as The in the name, e.g Beatles, The rather than The Beatles

Sort Conductor

Defines the sort name for the conductor field, so that values are sorted as expected for example individuals are usually sorted lastname, firstname instead of firstname lastname and groups usually ignore words such as The in the name, e.g Beatles, The rather than The Beatles

Sort DJ Mixer

Defines the sort name for the dj mixer field, so that values are sorted as expected for example individuals are usually sorted lastname, firstname instead of firstname lastname and groups usually ignore words such as The in the name, e.g Beatles, The rather than The Beatles

Sort Engineer

Defines the sort name for the engineer field, so that values are sorted as expected for example individuals are usually sorted lastname, firstname instead of firstname lastname and groups usually ignore words such as The in the name, e.g Beatles, The rather than The Beatles

Sort Ensemble

Defines the sort name for the ensemble field, so that values are sorted as expected for example individuals are usually sorted lastname, firstname instead of firstname lastname and groups usually ignore words such as The in the name, e.g Beatles, The rather than The Beatles

Sort Lyricist

Defines the sort name for the lyricist field, so that values are sorted as expected for example individuals are usually sorted lastname, firstname instead of firstname lastname and groups usually ignore words such as The in the name, e.g Beatles, The rather than The Beatles

Sort Mastering

Defines the sort name for the mastering field, so that values are sorted as expected for example individuals are usually sorted lastname, firstname instead of firstname lastname and groups usually ignore words such as The in the name, e.g Beatles, The rather than The Beatles

Sort Mixer

Defines the sort name for the mixer field, so that values are sorted as expected for example individuals are usually sorted lastname, firstname instead of firstname lastname and groups usually ignore words such as The in the name, e.g Beatles, The rather than The Beatles

Sort Orchestra

Defines the sort name for the orchestra field, so that values are sorted as expected for example individuals are usually sorted lastname, firstname instead of firstname lastname and groups usually ignore words such as The in the name, e.g Beatles, The rather than The Beatles

Sort Performer Name

Defines the sort name for the performer field, so that values are sorted as expected for example individuals are usually sorted lastname, firstname instead of firstname lastname and groups usually ignore words such as The in the name, e.g Beatles, The rather than The Beatles

Sort Producer

Defines the sort name for the producer field, so that values are sorted as expected for example individuals are usually sorted lastname, firstname instead of firstname lastname and groups usually ignore words such as The in the name, e.g Beatles, The rather than The Beatles

Sort Recording Engineer

Defines the sort name for the recording engineer field, so that values are sorted as expected for example individuals are usually sorted lastname, firstname instead of firstname lastname and groups usually ignore words such as The in the name, e.g Beatles, The rather than The Beatles

Sort Sound Engineer

Defines the sort name for the sound engineer field, so that values are sorted as expected for example individuals are usually sorted lastname, firstname instead of firstname lastname and groups usually ignore words such as The in the name, e.g Beatles, The rather than The Beatles

Sort Title

Defines the sort name for the title field, so that values are sorted as expected for example individuals are usually sorted lastname, firstname instead of firstname lastname and groups usually ignore words such as The in the name, e.g Beatles, The rather than The Beatles

Sound Engineer



Can be used for storing arbitrary tags about the song.


Tempo of song such as Slow, Fast, Very Fast.




This the name of the recording.

Track No

This the track number of the recording on the album.

In the Edit Pane we can enter the track number, there are four accepted formats

  • Zeroed Track Number - Are of the form 01,02,03-11,12.. this has the advantage the track number will be sorted correctly. If the Track Number is used to generate the filename this will also be sorted correctly
  • Non-zeroed Track Number Are of the form 1,2,3,…11,12 these may not be sorted properly for example 12 would come before 2
  • Zeroed Track Number/Total Are of the form 01/10,02/10… where the Total is the total number of tracks on the recording that this is part of.
  • Non-zeroed Track Number/Total Are of the form 1/10,2/10… where the Total is the total number of tracks on the recording that this is part of

This is automatically populated by Renumber Track Nos

Track Total

Total number of tracks within the disc in the release.


Work Composition

Work Name Level 1

Work Name Level 2

Work Name Level 3

Work Name Level 4

Work Name Level 5

Work Name Level 6

Work Type

Work Type Level 1

Work Type Level 2

Work Type Level 3

Work Type Level 4

Work Type Level 5

Work Type Level 6


Displays the Year, actually this displays the Recording Time that can be a full date and time, but most players expect it to be just a year. The Valid formats are FormatDateTime

We can correct the Recording Time with the Correct Year action using options specified in Preferences: Local Correct: Year Correct
