SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Issue(s) with the report page

  1. Blue Oval: As you can see every line underneath the label ‘Duplicates’ that had a Duplicate Report created only has a value of “-” and yet supposedly / somehow there was 176 songs ‘deleted’ (example) as listed under the Deleted column (report DeleteDuplicatesReport00033 example). If Duplicated songs were found then this line should be reporting a value

As you can see when I open report 00033 it shows the ‘duplicate’ value.

  1. Orange Oval:

Why are songs listed as ‘Deleted’ under the deleted column if I have the option set to Move duplicate to Duplicates folder (no song is ‘deleted’ with this option)? Only time this header should have a value is when I have Delete duplicate set and something is actually deleted

  1. Purple Oval: RenameFilesReport00043 on this line it states “0” saved files… yet when I open report 43 and hover over the bar graph Renamed it shows 2,692 songs were rename/moved. I feel this value should be applied to the “Saved” line value on this page report

Yes I think you are correct, have raised

Okay made a fix for Duplicates summary, here is an example report, we had three copies of the same 12 track album. So 12 duplicate keys were found, each key was shared by one track from each album, 2 of the three albums had a track deleted/moved so in total 24 files were deleted

The Duplicates column should contain 12 because there was 12 duplicate keys
The Deleted column should show how many files were actually deleted (or moved) so this would be 24 so it is important to have both columns.

For Delete Duplicates the Deleted column is including both deleted and moved it is just a count of how many files have been modified in some way and this is correct, otherwise I would have to add another column just for moved because we need to record the 24 somewhere because different to the other count of 12.

Fixed Rename Files so that Saved counts how many files were actually renamed, so here we load 20 songs, and only 10 needed to be renamed

So the summary shows that Loaded and Completed contain 20, and Saved contains 10

So all fixed for next release.

Now availlable