SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Issue(s) with the report page

  1. Blue Oval: As you can see every line underneath the label ‘Duplicates’ that had a Duplicate Report created only has a value of “-” and yet supposedly / somehow there was 176 songs ‘deleted’ (example) as listed under the Deleted column (report DeleteDuplicatesReport00033 example). If Duplicated songs were found then this line should be reporting a value

As you can see when I open report 00033 it shows the ‘duplicate’ value.

  1. Orange Oval:

Why are songs listed as ‘Deleted’ under the deleted column if I have the option set to Move duplicate to Duplicates folder (no song is ‘deleted’ with this option)? Only time this header should have a value is when I have Delete duplicate set and something is actually deleted

  1. Purple Oval: RenameFilesReport00043 on this line it states “0” saved files… yet when I open report 43 and hover over the bar graph Renamed it shows 2,692 songs were rename/moved. I feel this value should be applied to the “Saved” line value on this page report

Yes I think you are correct, have raised