SongKong 11.4 Zooropa released
This is a bug fix release, there are three main areas of improvements:
Adding Images in Manual Edit
There was a MacOS specific problem that prevented dragging the results of an image search from the browser to the Manual Edit tab, there were also some additional issues with Google Image search for all platforms.
Some fixes to made to the user defined functions and fixed a bug that can occur related to the filepath of songs.
Naim Wav Importer
Fixed an issue that prevented some meta.naim files being processed
SONGKONG-2690 MacOS: Show http endpoint when run script
SONGKONG-1604 MacOS:Drag image from browser to desktop artwork edit not working
SONGKONG-2683 MacOS:Drag and drop of artwork from Browser in Manual Edit not working
SONGKONG-2697 Incorrect Counts on Report Page
SONGKONG-2704 Filename mask using Indexed values does not clean the value
SONGKONG-2706 Manual Edit:Google Image Search parsing fails if imageUrl is not first parameter listed in the returned url
SONGKONG-2714 Modify ifempty function to check if var is undefined before checking length
SONGKONG-2715 Bandcamp Matching:Strip out for when parsing
SONGKONG-2717 Naim Wav Importer Problem parsing certain meta.naim files
SONGKONG-2721 Scripter: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke “java.nio.file.Path.toString()” because the return value of “java.nio.file.Path.getParent()” is null