SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Inaccurate Results with ISRC Lookup


I’ve been testing SongKong for automatic tagging, but I’ve noticed that the matching results are often inaccurate, even when the song files contain reliable identifiers. In particular, I have tracks with ISRC codes, but SongKong assigns incorrect metadata despite this unique identifier being available.

To illustrate the issue, I’ve compared the tagging results of the same song using ISRC data provided by Deezer and Spotify. I will attach the comparison for reference.

Could you clarify why this happens and if there’s a way to improve the accuracy of the matching process?

Thanks in advance!


Hi, I looked at this last night but Im no longer able to look at the screenshot, the image is too small. Can you repost the original screenshot and also can you please run Create Support Files so I can see the reports ands logs so I can actually see what SongKong has done.

But I can talk in general terms, SongKong doesnt do ISRC lookup they are ignored for matching, most music files don’t contain them. Instead we use Acoustids these are better because they are based on the actual audio, do not require the user to do anything and can directly link the song to MusicBrainz.

However, both ISRCs and AcoustIds are song based, they may identify the song but do not tell you what album the song is on, and most songs are available on multiple albums such as:

  • multiple versions of the same album
  • original and compilation albums

So both of these methods could help identify the song but not the album. It wasn’t very clear what your screenshot was but I think it was showing Album Artist rather than Artist because in some cases it said Various Artists.

Now SongKong does album based matching where by it groups songs together and only updates them with the album information if all songs could be matched to the album, and this is explained futher in this video tutorial (reason 1)

But I’m guessing you dont have your songs in any kind of album folder structure, either they are all in one folder or they are just in artist folders. So if this is the case and there is no existing album metadata in the song this makes it sort of impossible because you want to match the right album but the song is on multiple albums and there is nothing in your metadata or exsiting folder structure to indicate the correct album. But Im just guessing, please send the support files.

I purchased SongKong because my main goal is to obtain the original release date for all the songs in my library. I would like to confirm the best configuration to ensure that the original release date is prioritized in the track metadata.

All my songs have ISRC, and the AcousticID was calculated during the search, yet approximately 75% of the songs did not return results. However, when searching on Deezer and Spotify, almost all tracks retrieved complete information.

In general, my songs are well-organized within a structured folder format as follows:
albumartist - releasetype - (releaseyear) releasename - releasedisc - trackno.artist - title (featureartist) (version).

However, many of the tracks are singles or come from different artists compilation albums such us soundtrack, or same artists such as “greatest hits,” which means that the retrieved release dates are often associated with the album rather than the song itself. My goal is to associate the tracks with their original releases and obtain the correct original release date.

I would appreciate any guidance on configuring SongKong to achieve this.

Thanks in advance.

I understand your point, but I’m actually using the Artist field, not the Album Artist field. However, as you can see in the attached screenshot, SongKong is assuming that the Artist is the Album Artist for many songs.

This is causing inconsistencies in the metadata, and I would like to clarify whether this is expected behavior or if there is a way to ensure that SongKong correctly assigns the Artist field separately from the Album Artist field.

I appreciate your help in resolving this issue.

Could you please send me your support files when you get a chance?

Any chance of getting those support files so I can help you resolve this.