SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

How to use SongKong on a Melco Audio Server

Melco only has a limited front panel OLED so you how do you control SongKong ?

SongKong can be accessed via any web browser from any device that can see your Melco on the network, this could be a computer, tablet or smart phone. You can then access SongKong on port 4567 using the Melco network name or ipaddress

You can check the full url to use as follows

  1. Select 4>Settings from the Melco OLED
  2. Select 2>Music Database from Settings menu
  3. Select 2>SongKong from Music Database menu
  4. Select 1>Configure Service from SongKong menu
  5. This will show the url to use in your web browser such as

Then just put this url into your browser and you should get a screen similar to

I started using songkong with minimserver via a melco n100. And I’m getting used to it, but I find myself confused with a few things…

I’ve already used songkong to clean my Library up. Now, when I add new music to my library I’m confused about songkongs role. Do I use songkong when I know the Metadata is wrong? Do I only go to the watch folder in songkong and run a scan there?

So basically once I add new music, what should I do in songkong ?


Quickest is to run Fix Songs on newly added music only, but if it is not clear what is new just run SongKong over everything, it should not take too long as it will not rematch songs already matched, but it will update them with anymore data added to the lookup databases (MusicBrainz/Discogs)

If you don’t want to bother updating songs that are already matched on the Basic tab just set For songs already fully matched to Ignore

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