When you purchase Jaikoz you will be sent an email with the license attached within a license.zip file, and to install license you must unzip the file to give you a license.jai file and use File:Update License within Jaikoz to install that license file.
The expiry date of the license for determining if you can use a newer version of Jaikoz is controlled by the jthink server. So you do not need a new license when you purchase Version Updates, and your original license is not resent when you purchase version updates periods.
So if at a later date you want to install Jaikoz on a different computer but do not know where your license file is you have three options:
- Find your original email, transfer the license.zip file to your computer, unzip and install it.
- Copy the installed license.jai from your old computer to your new computer and install it.
- Use Reorder License at https://www.jthink.net/jaikoz/jsp/buy/start.jsp and we will find your license and email it to you so you can install it.
For Option 2 the license is found in the following locations: