SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Unable to retrieve acoustic ids

I thought about it. I set permission scheme to 777 on NAS, I have mapped this resource in my Windows environment. I can change file names, etc…

I tested MusicBrainz and it worked properly, tagged artwork to flac files ie.

So why Jaikoz doesn’t work?

Please try as suggested and copy to local drive to see if that makes any difference.

Everything works well when I copied file to my local drive.

So its a permissions problem then, perhaps you need to connect as a specific user on your nas.

One reason why it might work with Picard but Not Jaikoz is that Jaikoz generally
writes changes to a new file, then only when that has been checked is the old file deleted and the new file renamed to the old file. Whereas I think Picard might just modify the existing file which is more dangerous.

So Jaikoz requires permissions to create files in the parent folder whereas Picard doesn’t, please check that.

Currently evaluating Jaikoz …

[color=red]What is the best sequence of actions to cleanup/scrub a large music collection?[/color]

After years of efforts doing manual, mass tagging from file/folder names and more recently learning about AmpliFIND/MusicBrainz signatures … I decided to proceed as follows:

  1. Use MusicIP Mixer to deep analyse every track and possibly fetch and update tracks with AmpliFIND PUID. I am assuming the the PUIDs fetched will be saved in the tracks after lookup.
  2. Identify & Eliminate duplicates using MusicIP Mixer
  3. Use Jaikoz to do a mass lookup & update tracks with MusicBrainz IDs based on AmpliFIND PUIDs. Also, perform other tag/file/folder adjustments as needed since Jaikoz seems to have a lot of flexibility with this.
  4. Use a TuneUP iTunes companion (on Mac/Windows) OR Banshee/SongBird (Linux) to lookup and associate CoverArt with Albums. TuneUP actually gives multiple choices of artwork per track which are retrieved from various sources on the internet (Amazon, Google images, etc).

[color=red]Is the above a sensible approach ? Also, can Jaikoz on Linux (Mandriva 2010.0 AMD x86_64 with Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM build 1.6.0_16-b01) perform STEP (1) instead of me having to do the deep track analysis using MusicIP Mixer on Windows?[/color]

Yes, Jaikoz can do the analysis for you, and the Puids are saved automatically. Furthermore Jaikoz can also eliminate duplicates based on Music IP id, Musicbrainz Id or both.

But MusicIP Mixer does not save PUIDs to the file it uses an older system which canot be detected by Jaikoz so using MusicIP Mixer beforehand is a waste of time from the point of view of Jaikoz,.

When performing the Action->Retrieve Acoustic IDs in Jaikoz … it rather goes very very fast (as seen in the console) compared to MusicIP Mixer which takes a few seconds (3-4) before populating the PUID fields. Do I need to purchase and install the Full license before my copy of Jaikoz can truly generate & use the PUIDs?

Also, once the deep analysis (PUID lookup) was complete, I can select all tracks, right click and “Archive Analysis (modifies file)”, which saves the PUID data.

There is also a “Fix tags” option in MusicIP Mixer which seems to use the MusicIP database or is it using MusicBrainz behind the scenes.

[color=red]What bothers me is, that once archived the analysis (saved PUIDs) in the mp3s and reopened those in Jaikoz, Jaikoz doesn’t show some as having the PUIDs! This happens only for a subset (1000s though). I also confirmed in MusicIP Mixer by re-reading the songs from disk, that they retained their PUIDs.[/color]

MusicIP Mixer doesn’t collect the PUID !! nor saves it
It only collects and saves the “MusicMagic Data” and “MusicMagic Fingerprint”
with the main purpose generating playlists in MusicIP Mixer.
The only advantage - except generating playlists in MusicIP Mixer - is, the songs are analyzed and as a result known in the MusicIP (AmpiFIND) database. The programs at AmpliFind around the database now generates a PUID for the song and when you use Jaikoz the next day, you don’t have to wait for 24hours getting the PUID.
If you only use Jaikoz, you have to run Jaikoz two times for songs that are new to the AmpliFIND database.
Getting the PUID without Jaikoz, you have to use the program genpuid.exe ( and write some scripts around that DOS program (maybe the is (was) a Linux version too).


it was a permission issue. I’ve used D-link DNS-323 as a NAS for my music.

Unfortunately this is not stable platform and there are a lot of complains about files access rights.

So, I change it for QNAP 410, looks much better.


Could you provide me best practice for autocorrector tasks?

I have a base for over 7.000 cd, all ripped to flac files and I don’t want to experiment so much :slight_smile:

Many thanks,