SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

"Unable to contact Server, Remote Correct is not available..."

Using Mac OS X 10.7.5 and Jaikoz 6.0.1 I get the following error:

My network is working fine–I’m posting this from the same computer. MusicBrainz is fine, been making edits today.

“Unable to contact Server, Remote Correct is not available until this is resolved, please check your Internet Access”

Any thoughts?

p.s. attaching a screenshot here causes Tomcat to throw an internal server error.

Basically when a lookup from Musicbrainz fails Jaikoz doesnt just give up it retrys upto 10 times leaving larger and larger intervals between each try before eventually giving up after 10 failed attempts. This is not usual I think Musicbrainz must have had some sort of outage, I believe if you try this again now you will not encounter the issue.

Restarting Autocorrecteris not as bad as you may think. With the default Autocorrecter the tasks that take all the time are

Correct Metadata from Musicbrainz
Correct Metadata from Discogs

and both of these tasks will quickly skip over songs that have already been matched, so most of the work already done will not be repeated. Now songs that have already been checked but failed to find a match first time will be rematched, but at least any potential releases found for the release the first time will be cached so only the searches will be repeated.

Nope, still doing it. I’ve tried multiple times over the past several days.

It throws up the error INSTANTLY upon hitting command-1–not long enough for a TCP/HTTP timeout, especially with retries.

Every album in the list already has musicbrainz IDs, some have discogs; I was just updating things which I had changed at MB.

Oh right, have you tried disabling firewall that is often the culprit for this kind of thing

I’m not running a host firewall. My egress network firewall is unchanged. I can issue requests on TCP 80 and 443 to the MB servers (where I’ve been editing) in other programs, including picard, just fine.

The only change made to my system was upgrading from the last of the 5-series (5.7.0 IIRC) to 6.0.1.

I’ll try downgrading.

5.7.0 continues to work just fine.

There is no code changes in this area between 5.7 and 6.0. But whereas 5.7 uses Java 6 installed on the OS, Jaikoz 6.0 uses Java 7 bundled with Jaikoz so the executable has changed - its using a different Java runtime.

As no-else has reported this issue I have to think it is related to your firewall/security in some way, perhaps you have configured the old Java but not the new. Please try temporarily disabling your network firewall to see if my to see if my hypothesis is correct.

No change - 5.7.0 works, 6.0.2 does not. I’m not aware of any non-standard changes to the OS supplied java on my system. This is the only java app I run. Is there a way I can run 5.7.0 using the runtime from 6.0.2? I’m a UNIX hack, quite comfortable on the command line–been years since I’ve done any java development myself, but I’m sure I can figure out “…path/to/java …/path/to/something.jar”

But Jaikoz 6.0 onwards does not use the version of Java provided on your OS, in fact I don’t think Mavericks even comes with Java installed (it certainly doesn’t come with Java 6 installled) - one of the reasons why we now bundle Java with Jaikoz.

It may be possible to try and run 5.7 from the command line with the bundled Java 7, I’ll try and figure it out although Im not sure if it will work or how useful that would be.

One other thing I wanted to check you are not trying to run multiple copies of Jaikoz at the same time are you, if you are that could prevent connection by virtue of breaking the Musicbrainz rate limit.

Would also be useful if you send me your support files (Advanced/Create Support Files)

I have got the same problem after upgrading to 6.0.3. No problems on versions 5. :frowning:

Please try adding your hostname to /etc/hosts.
Regardless I will be releasing Jaikoz 6.0.4 within a few days that will fix this issue


As no-else has reported this issue [/quote]

I’m getting it too.

I’m connected to the net over wifi with an apple airport time capsule.


EDIT: thought i better add in my my type of router :smiley: just extra info for working out common ground.

Have you tried the /etc/hosts workaround ?

sorry Paul, not entirely sure about how to do this. but happy to wait until the fix. I only use Jaikoz every month or two anyway so waiting a bit won’t hurt :slight_smile:


This is now fixed in Jaikoz 6.0.4 please confirm it works for you.

Adding my hostname to /etc/hosts works with 6.0.2 and 6.0.3

6.0.4 works with the line in /etc/hosts commented out. All is full of love again!

Great, thanks for letting me know.

I have this same Problem since installing 6.0.5 (in German language).
Version 5.xx worked well, getting the same error message.

If there was a fix already, it doesnt work with me.

Is there a newer fix already or how/where can I set this \etc\hosts\ workaround? I dont find any Setting to enter this Information.

A fix would be great.

Cant use Jaikoz at the Moment because I mostly need it for corrections and compares with MusicBrainz.

Sorry I forgot to mention that I am running Jaikoz on a Windows 7 64bit OS. Probably the /etc/hosts workaround is only meant for MacOS.

How about Windows? I have exactly the same problem after updating from 5.xx to 6.0.5

Hi, the difference between Jaikoz 5 and Jaikoz 6 on the Mac is that Jaikoz 5 uses Java 6 and Jaikoz 6 uses Java 7, and the change from Java 6 to Java 7 was quite a large one because Java 6 on OSX was under the control of Apple, whereas Java 7 is under the control of Oracle like it is under all other platforms.

However this is not the problem on Windows because Jaikoz 5 on Windows already used Java 7. I think more likely that this is a firewall issue, that since you installed a new version of Jaikoz it is using different binaries and these binaries are not being allowed to access the Internet whereas the old one were. Although you can access Musicbrainz this is via a browser, firewalls generally allow access to the internet through a browser but are less relaxed about access directly from other applications.

Please Temporarily disable firewall access to confirm this is the issue, if still fails try rebooting the pc with firewall off, if confirmed this is problem then you/me can work on configuring your firewall.

If this makes no difference please send your support files (Advanced:Create Support Files)