SongKong Jaikoz

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Tutorial: Auto Edit - Capitalizer


The Capitalizer performs case conversion on all the fields selected in the select metadata fields to modify option.

There are five types of case conversion that can be done:

  • Title Case
  • Capitalize Each Word
  • Sentence Case
  • lowercase all letters

Lets start with the simplest ones, lowercase all letters simply lowercases every letter, and UPPERCASE ALL LETTERS simply uppercases every letter.

Capitalize Each Word uppercases the first letter of every word and lowercases all other letters.

Sentence Case uppercases the first letter of the first word and lowercases all other letters.

Title Case uppercases the first letter of the first word and the last word. If words are in curly brackets then the first letter of first word is uppercased. It leaves untouched any words in square brackets and lowercases all other letters.

Words Lists

Then additionally we have three special lists that can be applied to the capitalization if their associated checkbox is enabled:

  • Make lowercase
  • Keep as is

So if a word matches a word in the Make lowercase list it is kept or changed to lowercase, the check is case-insensitive so even if the word is in mixed or uppercase it will be converted to lowercase.

If a word matches a word in the Make UPPERCASE list it is kept or changed to UPPERCASE, this check is also case-insensitive so even if the word is in mixed or lowercase it will be converted to UPPERCASE.

The Keep as is list looks for matching word and doesn’t modify it, this check is case-sensitive so it will only be left unchanged if the word in the field exactly matches the word in the list.

The matches are not necessarily applied to all words depending on what case conversion is being used. So if using Title Case or Sentence case the Make lowercase list is ignored for the first word. And if using Title Case the Make lowercase list is also ignored for the last word and words in curly brackets or square brackets and words in square brackets are left unchanged


The words in the list can also contain a wildcard at the end, so adding Mc* to the Keep As Is list means that McConnor, McDonnell ectera would not be modified to Mcdonnell or Mcconnor
