SongKong Jaikoz

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Songkong with Docker Image - QNap UID >= 1000


I’ve tried to create the docker Image - but as I saw, the user has uid=100 and groupid 101 but on my QNap (TS-1253U) the users are creatd with uid >= 1000
and gruopid >=1000.

Is it possible to implement in the docker Image to override the User with
-e PUID=nnn -e GUID=nnn

I think with this I’m able to use the image and SongKong on my NAS. It would be a great feature - not only for me - I think :wink:

Can you give me more detail. does this stop it totally working, or is this to do with permissions on shared music folder, i.e cant you get round this by temporarily grantng write permissions to everyone ?

Hi paultaylor!

First of all I’ve enabled ‘Advanced folder permissions’

I don’t want to set the permissions to everybody (because my children also allowed to read the music - but I don’t want that they can write - or delete)

Songkong work’s, but I can’t access my music folder and can’t acccess the songkong folder.

I’ve tried several Things - my last Trial and Error was:

create a new user usr_songkong (got ID 1048)
create the new groups which I Need for my folder permissions
put the user into the needed Groups
edit /etc/group and added group songkong:x:101:usr_songkong

than I changed the id from usr_songkong with

usermod -u 100 usr_songkong

now ‘id usr_songkong’ show me that he is in group 101 and the other

but this also dosen’t work

It would be ok for me if the docker runs under root (or something else - if I can choose the ID) - I have mor trust into the docker Image, that it doesn’t make silly things, than to my childs :slight_smile:

Right I will raise an issue, but I will have to do some more research as Docker is quite new to me.

In the meantime if you understand Docker you could possibly create a Docker Hub account fork my build and let it build a new image.

I’m sorry - I’m only a “dummy” user of some docker images on my QNap.

But - thank a lot for raising the issue!.. I’m looking forward to testing it.

Assumiing TS-1253U is intel based then you could try songkong/songkongdockerdev image this is same as standard songkong docker build except I do’nt specify a user, therefore I think this means it runs as root.

hi paultylor,

sorry for taking so Long time - it Looks good!

I can browse my Music Folder. Now I will test it and post here if I found something :wink:

Thank’s a lot!

Since only the administrator can install/run SongKong it seems reasonable to allow that to run as root rather than trying to solve the problem of getting correct uids/gids and adding to these songkong.

The effect is essentially the same, since with a songkong user the customer would be attempting to give songkong access to write to music files without giving it to non admin users of the qnap. So whether using songkong or root the aim is when running songkong have access to all files. Access to what music files songkong has access to is already controlled by the mapping of the /music folder. Hence using a songkong user would only have the effect of controlling access to a subset of files within /music folder and I cannot see a usecase for this at all.

Of course, this does mean when songkong is running anyone could use webbrowser to change any files under /music, but this is the case anyway if songkong user was given permissions to /music folder anyway, so there is no change. But I will additionally introduce simple password access to songkong front end itself -

I have now rebuilt songkong/songkong and songkong/songkong-arm32 so that they run as root and this should resolve permissions issue. I have now hidden songkong/songkongdockerdev since it is now no different to standard images.