I don’t know how long this behaviour has been happening, but I have noticed the following recently whilst using songkong v7.4:
- Album of FLAC files which already contain the correct composer metadata (NB: This is not classical)
- SK format settings “only modify these files if empty”: Composer is one of the selected fields
- Run SK and then reviewed the report which replaced the composer values for all tracks (in error)
So, I added composer to the fields that should never be added to or modified. When I ran SK again, it actually deleted the existing values!
I believe this may also be happening to other fields such as discogs album url.
In recent times I have mainly been processing new release albums, so SK rarely has composer values (hence, I have only just spotted this.)
I’m sure this never used to be a problem, and I haven’t changed my configuration, so believe a bug has slipped through the net!?