SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Songkong QNAP Docker Container - Is their a way to save songkong filename mask preferences across docker container refreshes?


Every time i create a new Songkong docker container, I have to manually re-add the following two songkong filename preferences that i use for as filename masks for my music collection.

AlbumArtistorArtist/(Year) Album/DiscIfMultiDisc/Track - Title

+ '(' + (year.length>4 ? year.substring(0,4):year) +') '
+ ifnotempty(album,'/')
+ ifmultidisc('Disc ' + ifnotempty(pad(discno,2),'/'))
+ ifnotempty(pad(trackno,2),' - ')
+ title 


AlbumArtistorVariousArtist/(Year) Album/DiscIfMultiDisc/TrackNo - Title

ifnotempty2(albumartist,"Various Artists",'/')
+ '(' + (year.length>4 ? year.substring(0,4):year) +') '
+ ifnotempty(album,'/')
+ ifmultidisc('Disc ' + ifnotempty(pad(discno,2),'/'))
+ ifnotempty(pad(trackno,2),' - ')
+ title

Is their a way to have filename masks that you add to Songkong persist across songkong docker container refreshes?

Can this be done via songkong docker create commands? If not, is their a member in the songkong config library that you can store this information in so that the information persists across container refreshes?

Your thoughts?


Hi Robert

Looking at this post I think the problem is you are mapping your configuration folder to /config

-v “/share/appdata/songkong”:/config

but you need to map to /songkong


-v “/share/appdata/songkong”:/songkong

then the data (include filename masks) should be preserved when you install new contrainers.

FYI, within this folder all filename masks are stored in, and each profile configuration is stored in


Updating my docker create code to the following per your recommendation fixed the issue:

sudo docker create --name songkong
–ulimit nofile=262144:262144
-e PUID=0
-e PGID=0
-e TZ=“America/New_York”
-p 4567:4567
-v “/share/appdata/songkong”:/songkong
-v “/share/music/Music”:/music
-v “/share/music/library”:/library

I only had the create the container with the above code once and then enter my license information and then define the above filename preferences and these changes carry across docker container recreates.
