We have a new release of SongKong that can now access the live MusicBrainz database when required.
MusicBrainz Live Database Access
Usually SongKong retrieves releases from Albunack, this is our copy of MusicBrainz and Discogs that is optimized for performance and enhanced metadata. But if the release has only recently been added to MusicBrainz it may not be in Albunack yet, now with this new release in such cases if SongKong fails to retrieve from Albunack it will then attempt to retrieve automatically from MusicBrainz.
For example if Acoustic Fingerprint search refers to a release not in the Albunack database we will automatically retrieve it from MusicBrainz.
There are some limitations when retrieve directly from MusicBrainz
Some data is not currently available:
- recording start
- recording end date
- recording location
- work type
- wikipedia url
- offical url
Also some algorithms work better with Albunack versions
- original release and date
- is classical identification
- linking to discogs
- artwork
Also we have added a new Force retrieval direct from MusicBrainz option to the Match to One Album task so that we can force SongKong to retrieve the version in the live MusicBrainz database even when version exists in Albunack. This is most useful when we have made edits to an release on MusicBrainz website and we would like to pick up those changes. The restrictions above apply but can usually be circumvented by getting the release twice (once from Albunack and once from MusicBrainz).
Wav Files
Also resolved an issue preventing of saving changes to WAV files if existing file has a LIST INFO chunk with invalid existing fieldnames. If you use the Wav format you should update to this release.
All Fixes
SONGKONG-1676 Do match to Live MusicBrainz database if no match in Albunack
SONGKONG-2594 License options slightly confusing if have just Lite License
SONGKONG-2598 Unable to modify WAV files if existing file has a LIST INFO chunk with invalid existing fieldnames
SONGKONG-2595 Country field are missing from the Manual Edit tab