Hello, yes, if I follow the instructions I would create a mountpoint to a folder /songkong in the docker container but that folder is as yet non-existant and thus empty.
On runtime it seems songkong copies default settings to a location, which seems to be at default a hidden folder .songkong in it’s own homedir. The docker will be running as root (in example), and will thus create the .songkong folder in /root the container.
I have not seen/found anywhere (yet) how to influence that configuration folder.
I presume your idea is to let it be created not in the homedir, but that created /songkong folder…
Alas, that seems not to happen (at least not in my docker instances…)
Not to big an issue: when you know as what user the docker will run (and if you do not change it with --user, that will be root) it is easy enough to modify the mount to the right folders: “{replace-with-homedir}/.songkong”…
But for less proficient docker users an (environment) setting that can be used for modification of the settings folder would probably be a nice to have and understand.
(Also easier to use when the need for moving too big database arises…)
Edit: ok, can not as yet run the docker container as other user it seems. Will need to check that out a bit more… So then the proper mount folder is simply “/root/.songkong”
Edit2: seems the docker has debug logging on as default. Hope it rotates… Interestingly enough it still says the accousticid API key is invalid?