Yes, Docker version on a QNAP, thanks.
Getting Fatal Errors on Save
Okay, so I have already uploaded a new of SongKong 7.2 for Docker, this will not fix the issue but it will give me the additional information required to fix the issue, please install as follows:
- Stop existing SongKong container
- Delete SongKong image
- Redownload SongKong image
- Start container
- Run Fix Songs to generate error
- Run Create Support Files to send me logs and reports
Although it has same version number, you can confirm you have new version by checking the About menu item. The new version will say Build Date 09/03/2021 whereas the original version will say Build Date 08/03/2021
If you haven’t done this yet the new version will now say Build Date 10/03/2021 rather than Build Date 09/03/2021 because I have added some addtional debugging for another issue.
Thanks for the logs, I now have the full stack trace so should be able to resolve the issue, but its end of the working day here, I will have a look tomorrow though.
Ok. But do you want me to redo with 10/03/2021 version?
Hi, no the 10/03/2021 version change just added debugging for another issue.
I’m sorry but having looked at the logs I can see where the error is occurring but it didn’t tell me what file was having the problem and hence I don’t know why particular files are having a problem. So I have added further debugging and built a new version with Build Date 11/03/2021. So could I ask you install this new version and repeat the procedure please.
I may be ok now, thanks. I’ll work with it a bit more and need to bite the bullet and read through the help pdf more. But I got that same folder to process and found two albums that generated errors that I could fix. No unidentified kind of errors now. I’ll report back if there is more difficulty when I process other folders.
Do you need me to try anything for figuring things on your end?
Hi, so you ran the latest version and it showed you the file causing the error ?
Could you please run Create Support Files again so I can see the cause of the problem so then I can deal with the the issue for other customers.
Sure, coming right up.
BTW, is there a way to save the settings? They seem to reset whenever I install a new version.
Yes, you are missing configuring the /songkong folder please see On Docker why do I lose my license when I update SongKong?
Thanks, okay so I can see the errors were all within the
/music/Jazz Vocal/Holiday, Billie/2008 - The right to sing the blues/
But cant see anything special about it, don you ?
Thank you! I did miss that.
What I did was use MP3Tag to look and found inconsistencies. I made the same fields between tracks more consistent and the error went away.
However, since I was setting the processing settings each time I re-installed, I don’t know if I changed anything significant between runs.
Paul, I reconfigured the container in order to retain settings. I needed to set everything again for this install though. I ran against the same folder and got an automatic cancellation due to an unreported error. This time, when I went to the warnings/errors report, it showed zero. So again, I don’t know what the error is, so we are evidently not out of the woods yet! …Pete
Yes because you are moving the configuration from where it was previously was so first time it wont find a configuration, but shouldn’t be a problem from now on.
There is an unreported error because if you at the summary report its shows that 6126 files were loaded
but only 6125 completed processing
This difference of just one song indicates to SongKong that one song did not complete processing for some reason (that we don’t know) and therefore it reports the error. It is only one song so I think you can just ignore this and put it down to a glitch.
I am glad you resolved your problem with the Billie Holiday album, however the extra debugging helped us to identify the album but I’m still no clearer on the cause of the problem, can you remember if you renamed the songs in Mp3Tag or just changed the metadata ?
Only metadata. The album artist, cover art, and disk number. The first two had different entries on different tracks. The disk numbers were mixed with some a single digit and some with leading zero. I don’t know if any of that fixed it though. Maybe my settings had something different that avoided the error the last time around?
I’ll be running more and seeing what happens. I want to study the manual a bit though. I don’t fully understand some of the settings.
If you have any questions just ask.
Thanks Paul!