SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

java.sql.SQL.Exception: Connections could not be acquired from the underlying database!

windows 7 pro 64bit

Please try completely deleting your Jaikoz folder in your user folder and retry.

Same error message, Mac OS X 10.6.8 already tried reinstalling after removing Jaikoz with AppZapper. Any other ideas?

Try Jaikoz 3.5.4 just released if it doesnt work please email me your support files (Advanced/Ctreate Support Files)

Thanks! Maybe you were telling us 4.5.4 is available :slight_smile:
It’s working now for me! Jaikoz 4.5.4 and Mac OS X 10.6.8 and Java 1.6.0_29-b11-402.


I have been using the latest version and it was working great. This error though started happening. I was working on a batch of files. Finished them. Went back into jaikoz to check out a few other songs and it was able to startup. I tried to load about 20 files and jaikoz would just sit there and not give me a loading screen. The file menu became grayed out, but I was able to click around in the program. I closed it out and went back in and got the same thing. I am using win7 64. I went to uninstall jaikoz, but found no uninstaller in the control panel. So I uninstalled it via the uninstall file that was located in the program files. I then deleted the jaikoz folder and went into my users profile and deleted the file there as well. I downloaded the latest version from your site again and reinstalled the software. Tried running it. It took a while to try to start up and then through a red bordered window with a pink header with this sql error.

Any ideas?

After messing around with it a bit, I finally got jaikoz to load once more, but now I am back to the initial problem. I can not load any files. I checked the log files and they did not report any issues. So I ran jaikoz via the jaikoz.bat file and this is what showed up in that console window:

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
        at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.EventQueue.access$000(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source)
        at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source)
        at Method)
        at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
        at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
        at Source)

Jaikoz doesn’t load anything and just stays in this state. Doesn’t give a loading window or anything. The file menu up top is greyed out, but yet all the tabs like summary at the bottom are clickable and can be displayed.

Any ideas? Thanks.

I emailed you my support files.

Can you tell me Exactly what you do to load files/folders because I havent been able to replicate the problem as of yet.

That is what is odd. The program worked fine previously in the beta. Then shortly after I loaded the final latest release, it worked once. But then I shut down the program when I was done and tried to start it back up so I could work on the next group of files. i tried starting jaikoz and it gave the sql error and wouldn’t load. I closed it out again, restarted the system, and then it would at least start up, but wouldn’t allow me to load any files. The exact same files I was able to load in jaikoz previously without any issues.

This is my starting process:

  1. I start up jaikoz, either with using the jaikoz shortcut on my desktop which just points to the executable or via the jaikoz.bat file if I am planning on working on over 10k+ files.

  2. Once the program loads, I left mouse click on File to get the menu, and then left mouse click on Open Folder. This brings up the Open window.

  3. Here I change the “Look” in drop down to match the destination of the folder I want to load. I look at the “File” name field and verify that it is showing the correct folder path.

  4. I then left mouse click on the Open Folder button.

Previously this would give me a loading screen and show me the progression of the songs being loaded. Now it just goes back into jaikoz without displaying the window and doesn’t let me do anything. Kind of like it is pausing right before displaying the loading window and never loading any songs or releases the operation to allow anything else to be done.

Looking at the source code the error could only possibly occur if you have not selected any files or folders, but then if you hadn’t selected anything it shouldn’t proceed to this point.

But I’ve added additional checks, and made changes so that you should see an error message if this situation occurs, and maybe then we can work out why this is happening. A new version of Jaikoz should be available within the hour.

Okay, an updated version of Jaikoz now available, you can get it from the usual place. Select About the build date should say 24/01/2012 if you have the latest version.

This did not fix the main problem, but it did fix one of the issues that made it really hard to troubleshoot the main issue previously.

Previously with the old version, if the file did not load, then it would go back to the program and the file menu would all be greyed out. The only way to do anything would be to hit the X at the top corner and close out the app and go back into it and try again.

With this version, if the file does not load, it still just goes back to the app without any message, but at least this time the file menus up top are not greyed out and one can try again. This made it far easier for me to troubleshoot and I was able to find out what changed. :slight_smile:

So, lets say you have your default folder set to open at c:\ and you have your music located at c:\music When one single left mouse clicks on the music folder in the browser window, it highlights the music folder and in the “Folder name:” field it shows up correctly as “C:\Music” One then clicks on the “Open Folder” button and nothing happens.

Now same situation, but instead of single clicking the music folder, you double click it, to not highlight, but instead open it and view the contents, it still shows up in the “Folder name:” as “C:\Music” but now when one hits the “Open Folder” button, it loads the songs.

This was a bug I saw in your software a long time ago that you have fixed quite a while back. This bug wouldn’t be much of an issue if it wasn’t for dealing with multiple folders. A lot of times in the open window one will select multiple folders. This can be done by holding down the shift key and single left clicking the first folder and single left clicking the last folder which will select those 2 folders along with everything in between them. It can also be done by holding down the ctrl key and then single left clicking just the folders one wants to open. Being that one has to now actually go inside the folder that one wants to load, this can no longer be done.

I believe it was as late as either 4.52 or one of the 4.53 alphas that I remember the files loaded correctly for me.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you need any additional information.

HI, Ive followed your instructions to the letter, yet still it doesnt fail for me but my new release also had some extra debugging in it that should help me, so please send me your support files


After I sent you the logs, I went back in cleared out my cache, shutdown jaikoz, and deleted the old logs. I went back into jaikoz and tried to load a folder my just selecting it so it would fail. I then exited jaikoz.

I checked the log files and there was no mention of any error or anything in regards to this. Here is the full content of both the new log files:

24/01/2012 17.53.29:com.jthink.jaikoz.MainWindow:setupLAF:WARNING: Look and Feel from UserSettings Is:
24/01/2012 17.53.31:com.jthink.jaikoz.MainWindow:runOnEventThread:SEVERE: Jaikoz has been configured with minimum heap memory of 64 mb, maximum heap memory of 738 mb and maximum permanent memory of 86 mb
24/01/2012 17.53.31:com.jthink.jaikoz.MainWindow:runOnEventThread:SEVERE: Jaikoz 4.5.4 NGS using Java 1.6.0_29 20.4-b02 32bit on Windows 7 6.1 x86 initialized successfully 
24/01/2012 17.53.31:com.jthink.jaikoz.MainWindow:runOnEventThread:SEVERE: No of logical cpus:4
24/01/2012 17.53.46:com.jthink.jaikoz.layout.MainFrame:shutdownJaikoz:WARNING: Jaikoz has exited successfully


Jan 24, 2012 5:53:31 PM: INFO: Jaikoz has been configured with minimum heap memory of 64 mb, maximum heap memory of 738 mb and maximum permanent memory of 86 mb
Jan 24, 2012 5:53:31 PM: INFO: Jaikoz 4.5.4 NGS using Java 1.6.0_29 20.4-b02 32bit on Windows 7 6.1 x86 initialized successfully 
Jan 24, 2012 5:53:46 PM: INFO: Jaikoz has exited successfully

Don’t know if there is anything helpful in there for you.

So I thought I would try to approach it from a different direction. I uninstalled jaikoz and uninstalled all instances of java. Reinstalled just the 64bit version of java and added it to my path environment, and restarted my system. Went to install jaikoz and it gave me the No Java popup that it wanted Java 1.6.0. Does it need exactly this version? I thought I read else where on the site here that jaikoz just needed 1.6.0 or higher.

I can type path at the cmd line and the first item is:


java -version at the command prompt comes back with:

java version "1.7.0_02"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_02-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 22.0-b10, mixed mode)

Do I need to install the 32bit version to just install jaikoz?

[quote=greengeek]After I sent you the logs, I went back in cleared out my cache, shutdown jaikoz, and deleted the old logs. I went back into jaikoz and tried to load a folder my just selecting it so it would fail. I then exited jaikoz.

Don’t know if there is anything helpful in there for you.[/quote]

Hi, sort of done of my debugging showed up which essentially let me know the problem was occurring in the Open Folder Dialog rather than later on although I may upload a alter release to confirm this. I originally thought the problem was due to chanages I made for identifying Base Folder but it doesn’t seem it is, but the big problem I have is being unable to reproduce it.

[quote=greengeek]So I thought I would try to approach it from a different direction. I uninstalled jaikoz and uninstalled all instances of java. Reinstalled just the 64bit version of java and added it to my path environment, and restarted my system. Went to install jaikoz and it gave me the No Java popup that it wanted Java 1.6.0. Does it need exactly this version? I thought I read else where on the site here that jaikoz just needed 1.6.0 or higher

No, you are correct Java 1.6.0 is just the minimum required. There was a problem whereby the installer wouldn’t recognize that only a 64bit Java was installed and require a 32 bit Java for the installer, but that issue was fixed a while ago.

Maybe there is a similar (but new) problem introduced with Java 1.7 , I dont know I havent tried it yet but I will give it a go. In the meantime if you install 32-bit Java I expect install will work, then you can delete it Jaikoz will run on the 64bit Java.

I’ve managed to replicate it, the problem only occurs for me if you double click into a folder first. So for example if you start in C:\ and single click on Music it will work but if you double click on Music and then single click on a folder within C:\Music it will not work. The bug is due to a change I made to do with Guess Base Folder in that I save changes to options to early on messing up your selected files, I will release Jaikoz 3.5.5 later this morning, sorry for the inconvenience.