SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Jaikoz and OSX Mavericks

The cursor problem is an OSX Java 7 bug - im just devising a workaround.

Now fixed, Jaikoz 6.0.0 released

The problems I reported have all been fixed, but I found one more. I have isCompilation as a visible column. I can check it by clicking on it, but I can’t uncheck it by clicking again. Once it is set it cannot be unset. I found a workaround using Edit->Set Value, then setting its value to 0, but I only tried it because of my C programming experience!

Okay, thanks I was aware that isCompilation didnt render properly but not that you couldn’t unselect it. This will have to be fixed in next release, I’ve added to please feel free to add any more problems to this issue (username:user, password:user)

Also one more twist regarding the pop-up menu. If no items are selected, the control-click should select the item under the mouse cursor. This is the exception to the rule. It usually doesn’t make sense to apply one of these to zero items.

Hi, you are right but actually this occurs with right-click as well and also occurs on Windows so is not an OSX specific issue, Ive raised this for tracking

I updated my Jaikoz to 6.0, 6.01 and 6.02 since updating to Mavericks. (I’m not sure which version I was successful using before but it was within the last two weeks.) With each of these versions I had Jaikoz look like it was launching but stop before opening a window. I came to this forum thread and saw the Java problem mentioned and tried various times to upgrade and downgrade my Java but decided to wait for the fix.

Today after trying to dump preferences I replaced my v6.02 version with the other one available for download (5.6). It worked and I no longer get my iTunes errors when saving changes. I was able to make tag changes in my MP3 and M4A files as I’ve always done.

There were a few problems in 6.0.0, but AFAIK everyone else is finding 6.0.2 working okay on Mavericks. The first time you run 6.0.2 there will be a short delay will it configures itself and because of a bug in Java 7 so splash screen is displayed but it then should start. Subsequent startups should be quicker, I wonder if you just didnt wait long enough time.

Loading artwork from a file worked, but dragging and dropping failed for me in 6.0.2 on Mavericks.

Please give 6.0.3 a go that has some fixes for drag and drop

Artwork drag and drop still doesn’t work in 6.0.3.

Tried again today with the 6.0.3 update and still no joy. I did wait for some time but it doesn’t look there’s any process running. It momentarily appears in the Finder menu and then disappears (no splash screen).

This time I didn’t remove my version 5.6 (which is still working). I have the latest version of Java (7) on a Mac Pro 2.8GHz Quad Core.

How are you trying to do drag and drop, and what format is the image ?
Because if I drag an image onto the Jaikoz window, the images are added to all the songs currently selected in the edit panel (main window not row header selection), or I can drag an image directly onto a artwork field.

Dropping images onto the dock itself doesnt work, but that has never worked and I do not think it should because it wouldn’t be clear what Jaikoz was adding the image to.

Tried again today with the 6.0.3 update and still no joy. I did wait for some time but it doesn’t look there’s any process running. It momentarily appears in the Finder menu and then disappears (no splash screen).[/quote]

Could you try opening Utilities/Terminal then

cd /Applications/
chmod 777

and see if that works, or if errors occur

How are you trying to do drag and drop, and what format is the image ?
Because if I drag an image onto the Jaikoz window, the images are added to all the songs currently selected in the edit panel (main window not row header selection), or I can drag an image directly onto a artwork field.

Dropping images onto the dock itself doesnt work, but that has never worked and I do not think it should because it wouldn’t be clear what Jaikoz was adding the image to.[/quote]

I’ve been dragging and dropping from a browser, either Chrome or Safari, onto the Jaikoz window. I’ve tried dropping into the Summary pane on the cover image, or on the Artwork pane on the spot where an image would be displayed, or on the Artwork column. All of these worked in the pre-6.0 pre-Mavericks world and none of them work now. I have to resort to downloading the image and using the Add… interface in the Artwork pane. BTW, I just tried this again in 6.0.4. All of the images I’ve tried have been JPEGs.

Okay, Im seeing this problem as well now and have raised to address this.

But the problem appears to be draggng from a web browser, dragging from file in Finder works okay. So perhaps an easier workaround in the meantime is to drag your image to Finder, then drag from Finder to Jaikoz.

6.0.4 seems to have a few issues for me as well. I was unable to test the drag-n-drop functionality of adding artwork because it was working extremely slow (also because autocorrect had found all the artwork:)). From initial start up (without it even loading in any songs) my fans start going at full blast and clearly its causing my computer’s resources to work double time. However, unlike earlier versions when I experienced similar problems, other programs on the same machine are usable for the most part. To solve that issue before I had to allocate more memory to Jaikoz, but I don’t remember how I did that or know if I should need to do it again. FWIW Jaikoz is pretty consistently using about 1.06gb of memory on my Mac with 8gb of memory.

The issues I’m experiencing:

[list] There are minor GUI/rendering issues in that none of the radio buttons actually show up. This is true for the preferences where there is nothing after the various options to check, but more frustratingly in the “Is Compilation?” Metadata column which is just a blank cell[/list]
[list]Further on the “Is Compilation?” Metadata column topic is that anytime i click a cell in that column it turns purple as if the value has changed from the original, [b]EVEN[/b] if I click it again (ostensibly undoing the action and returning the cell to its original state)[/list]
[list]Right-clicking a song and asking to see the release on Musicbrainz does nothing[/list]
[list]I loaded about 2k songs into Musicbrainz and it took about 11 hours to autocorrect them (took only a couple hours before the OS X upgrade on similarly minimal amount of other network activity), and when I went to change the Base Folder upon completion it crashed. I sent the crash report via email.

I’ve attached a number of screenshots.

Love your program and can’t wait to get back to using it on my Mac effectively!

edit: the forum wouldn’t let me upload the screenshots so here are some imgur links to them:

[list],HTGFeF2,PuijR6W - Jaikoz using over 130% of my CPU[/list]
[list],HTGFeF2,PuijR6W#1 - no radio buttons in the “Is Compilation?” column (far left) and purple as if the cell’s value has changed from the first click despite a follow-up click that theoretically should have “unchecked” the phantom option and returned it to its original state[/list]

Hi Seth, I don’t seem to be seeing these issues, are you actually on Mavericks on an earlier version of OSX ?

Seth, I reread your message and you said you’ve sent me a support file, but I haven’t received it.

Neon Scribe dragging and dropping images from webbrowser to OSX now fixed in 6.0.5