SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Jaikoz 12.3 Gorillaz released February 25th 2025

Very pleased to announce this major release that introduces scripting to Jaikoz. Scripting allows us to write Javascript to modify metadata fields to new values, the syntax is very similar to how we can write rename masks for file renaming but instread of renaming files we can set partocular fields to new values

There are two slightly different versions.


If we select Action:Scripter from the main menu of the row header popup menu we can write script that will be applied to the selected songs and/or we an use an existing script created in Preferences or a combination of both.

For example in this example we have added both the Classical Composer Last Only script and Remove Disc No Padding script to the overall script. We can see with the example that the Composer has had their name shortened to only their last name and that the Disc No field gets converted from padded (i.e 01) to non -padded version (i.e 1)


Edit: Set Value with Scripter

If we select multiple cells and then the Edit: Set Value with Scripter item it works like Set Value but instead of setting all selected cells to the same value they are sent to the result of the script

So in this case we are just interested in the final value of the script, we dont specify what fields to modify. For example here we have selected some cells and set the script to artist.toUpperCase(), all selected fields will be set to the result ( not specifically artist fields)


JAIKOZ-9 Provide Scripting interface

JAIKOZ-78 Add Remove N Characters

JAIKOZ-100 Set genre for an artist to a particular value

JAIKOZ-193 Be able to set a tag to a combination of other tags (expression).

JAIKOZ-194 It would be REALLY cool to be able to use regular expressions
for extracting values from filenames as well as tags in above-mentioned

JAIKOZ-621 Remove whitespace inside

JAIKOZ-1505 Add Info button to Preferences that link to Tutorial Page


JAIKOZ-856 Clickable links in “whats new” popup arent clickable

With this new release the toolbar is mixed up and we have the work to set the toolbar icons again in the right order. :frowning:
And after reordering the icons on the toolbar and then Save all the mixed up icons are back again. I’m going back to release 12.2 :frowning:

Thankyou, must have introduced a bug somewhere, will look into it

I’m struggling to replicate this issue please run Create Support Files and maybe you could post some screenshots to demonstrate the issue?

I have found a bug whereby the Available Tasks list does not always show a vertical scrollbar when it should, i.e. like this:

but should be like this:

Now fixed,. but I don’t think this is the error you are reporting?

I think I have fixed your issue just released an amended Windows version so far. If using Windows could you test it for me please, need to

  • Uninstall existing Jaikoz 12.3
  • Download and Reinstall Jaikoz 12.3
  • Build Date will now say 26th February 2025 instead of 25th February 2025
  • Retest

It has now been re-released for all platforms

And fixed this issue and now re-released for all platforms, build date for this version is February 28th 2025

A post was split to a new topic: External Scripting