SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

ID3v1 support in SongKong - does it exist?

This post is related to another for Jaikoz: Bug in how ID3 version columns are handled?

It appears that there’s no way to specify the version of ID3 info that’s written by SongKong. Am I overlooking something? I see where this page says it supports both 2.3 and 2.4, but I haven’t found that in the UI.

Specifically, I’d like to be able to specify options similar to what Jaikoz offers (i.e., things like ID3v1v23, ID3v23, etc.). I’m missing the ID3v1 support specifically, though I don’t imagine I’ll ever need to NOT include v2.2, 2.3, or 2.4 as well. I don’t think I’ve seen a player choke on 2.x tags in 20 years or more…

I’m not sure if there’s a specific reason why that feature is not present (or again, maybe I’m just overlooking it), but I could imagine it relates to support for formats other than mp3.

Location assistance / Feature request: Please add support for specifying the ID3 versions to write as in Jaikoz (ID3v1v22, ID3v1v23, ID3v1v24, ID3v1, ID3v22, , ID3v23, ID3v24, but again, I don’t really see a need for ID3v1, I only mention it for completeness, and because Jaikoz offers it.) Yeah, or it it’s already there, please tell me where :slight_smile:

UPDATE: I found where to can set the version, but as the link above indicated, it only support v2.3 and 2.4. Would love to have something like v1v23, v1v24, v23, v24 + the same as… permutations. Bleh, that’s getting a bit unwieldy. Maybe that’s why it’s currently absent?)


You can specify V2 version

If V1 is there as well it updates it with metadata, but if missing not added, have an issue to ensure always write a V1 tag as well -

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