Which MB ID ?
If you enter MB Recording ID, MB Track ID and MB Release ID and use Action:Remote Correct:Update Metadatafrom Musicbrainz then it will. But more usual workflow would be to select songs that make up album then select Action:Match to Album:Match Songs to Specified Musicbrainz Album and then enter the MusicBrainz Release Id.
It can return metadata only matches as well, however if your album metadata doesnt match any album then less likely to find a match.
I couldnt find your example, can you give me link.
But in my experience, the works are usually stored in the composer native language, however the tracks on an album that are recordings of the work are correctly going to match the titles on the album so maybe this is what yo are seeing.
I think this make sense, I live in England and most likely to be buying albums issued in England with English tracklisting so I would use Symphony, it not helpful for me to see Sinfonie. If you live in Germany most likely to be buying albums issued in Germany with Germany tracklisting so would use Simfonie
Having said all that:
- We can buy albums from anywhere these days so not that simple
- If a work is being added for first time because MusicBrainz user is addign album containing that work then likely they will use the album tracklisting as the work name even if not composers original language
- MusicBrainz is biased towards English language
So originally you were thinking of rescanning whole library with SongKong, have you done that ?
That seems the logical first step, then refresh Roon and then you can see what albums you actually need to work on further.