SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Can't install songkong 6.

Windows 64 biy

I uninstalled older version of Songkong but now the newer version won’t install.

Error says could not create the java virtual machine.

This happens at install time, or when you try and run ?

at install time.

This only happens at install time. I can’t install songkong. I had a prior version working but uninstalled it first.

Please try the zip version rather than the self-extracting zip version

That’s what I originally used. To be sure I tried again and still had problems. I also turned off Symantec AV.

Can I manually install the JVM? I’m assuming something’s still hanging around from my uninstalling song kong the first time.

I have the same issue. Cant install the latest version. Says error running java VM.

Have tried using both versions - the zip one and the self installing one. Have removed and reinstalled java also.

I think the issue is that the bundled Java Runtime Environment application is corrupted or not working.

In the self extracting one where is says that “greyed applications need to be installed” the JVM shows 0 KB.

Will try installing an older version.

Can you give me url of the exact version you are downloading as I am not seeing the problem (and Im on vacation so havce limited access)

This is the url

I installed the QNAP version and that worked fine.



Forgot to update this topic, I have double checked the downloads and they work fine and can be installed fine. So if anyone is still having any issue with installing it seems likely to be a PC specific issue, but please let me know.

I have tried installing it on another PC also. Same issue.

During the installation process where it shows the packages to be installed and says greyed packs need to be installed, the JVM is showing as zero bytes.

Although in the download I can see the JVM folder. It is not able to find the file JVM64/readme.html

I have pasted the error message below.



com.izforge.izpack.api.exception.IzPackException: An error occured
in at null:-1
in at
in com.izforge.izpack.installer.unpacker.UnpackerBase.unpack() at
Caused by: com.izforge.izpack.api.exception.InstallerException: Installation cancelled
in com.izforge.izpack.installer.unpacker.UnpackerBase.unpack() at
in com.izforge.izpack.installer.unpacker.UnpackerBase.unpack() at
in com.izforge.izpack.installer.unpacker.UnpackerBase.unpack() at
in com.izforge.izpack.installer.unpacker.UnpackerBase.unpack() at
in com.izforge.izpack.installer.unpacker.UnpackerBase.extract() at
in com.izforge.izpack.installer.unpacker.LooseFileUnpacker.unpack() at

I seem to have the same issues as NH68.

I have tested downloads and installs and found no issue.

But some users have had issue with self-extracting Windows installer in the past, and there is a warning about this on the download page. So I think if you use the regular zip file and unzip it yourself and then install it will work for you.