SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Can't Get the Latest Version of Jaikoz

When I try to install the latest version of Jaikoz, trying to extract the Jaikoz.exe file, it has a message with a heading of “Compressed (zipped) Folders Error” and a message of “Error reading the file.”

And I did install the latest version of java (or at least the version needed).

Although, it would let me install the second-to-latest version of Jaikoz. (I did this, because, since I couldn’t get the latest, and the problems fixed from the second-to-last one didn’t affect the accuracy of file tagging and were only issues that might happen, I thought I’d use the second-to-last edition of Jaikoz; but, now, I need the latest, as it does the thing [that was fixed for the latest version] where it displays an ‘Unexpected Error’ instead of the real problem in error and warning popup messages)

Hi, did you download Jaikoz directly from, and you talking about the Windows version, also it sounds like you are having problems opening the zip rather than when you do the actual install, have I got this right ?

I have just downloaded it from the website, unzipped the exe and installed and run without any problems.

First off, I did try to download Jaikoz directly from Second, I use Windows and, therefore, was obviously trying to download the Windows version. Lasty, I was able to open the zip file okay. Then it showed the exe file within the zip file. I pressed “extract all files” (even though the command was for all files, the exe file was the only one in it), then it showed the Extraction Wizard; I gave the new destination for the file, hit “Next,” then it gave me a message with a heading of “Compressed (zipped) Folders Error” and a message of “Error reading the file” with a big, red “X.”

I am probably going to just wait for the Jaikoz with the new PUID’s and try to install that, but, if you can help, I would still like a reply.


OK, its sound like there is a problem with whatever you are using to unzip the file ( for example Winzip). Either there is a problem with that software or there is a problem with the zip file that only surfaces when unzipped with certain software.

Could you tell me what you are using, AND download Winzip and try that.

Winzip couldn’t read the file, either. I was originally using something called “Extraction Wizard,” which was probably the default one for the computer I have, as I have never dealt with a zip file before.

Oh, and, if it matters, when I successfully installed the second-to-latest version of Jaikoz, I just used the “Extraction Wizard;” I never had Winzip before you told me to get it.

Can you try and download it again ?

It still won’t let me do it. I even went and bought the best version of WinZip. It says “CRC Test Failed.”

Did you download it again ? Please try the following to ensure you download is not getting corrupted

Download md5 to create a checksum for the the file, I used the md5sums program available at, unzip and install.

Then run against your zipfile, you should get the same value for the checksum as below, let me know how you get on.

C:\Apps>md5sums d:\download\

MD5sums 1.2 freeware for Win9x/ME/NT/2000/XP+
Copyright © 2001-2005 Jem Berkes -
Type md5sums -h for help

[Path] / filename MD5 sum

[d:\download\] 90e633c5c61369fa4f7aa828adac168b

What do you mean by “unzip and install” the md5sums program. Please tell me what to do step by step, in the simplest terms possible.


What is being suggested is that it seems likely that the on you hard drive is not exactly the same as the on the web server, due to loss/dropped packets/“interference” during transmission.

The MD5 algorithm can take practically anything and convert it into a very small, but unique, string (MD5 checksum). If even one letter is wrong the checksum won’t match. This is also what is widely used to secure your password when you register for websites.

Anyway, ‘Anonymous’ says the checksum for his copy of is 90e633c5c61369fa4f7aa828adac168b. I checked my and the checksum is also 90e633c5c61369fa4f7aa828adac168b. Since I can unzip my file, I will assume the on the server also shares the same checksum.

Now, the question is, does yours?

  1. If you head over to RapidCRC’s website and download a copy of the “RapidCRC 0.6.1 Installer”. Open this up and it will install like any other program. Let it associate itself with *.md5 files if asked.

  2. I have created an MD5 checksum file (using RapidCRC). Download a copy of this file by right-clicking here and selecting “Save target as…/Save link as…”. This file assumes two things, a) this file is in the same folder as, b) the file which it is to check is called exactly “”.

  3. So now you should have a and a Jaikoz.md5 in the same folder. The *.md5 file should have a green/black ying-yang type icon. If so, double-click it. If not, right-click it and go to Send To -> RapidCRC. If you can’t do either, you will have to launch RapidCRC from the Start menu, and open Jaikoz.md5 using the “Open Files” button.

  4. RapidCRC will look for a file called and check it matches our checksum. It will report one of the following in the top-right of the window.

[list]File not found - There isn’t a in this folder.[/list]
[list]File corrupt - is corrupt. It isn’t the same as the one on the server. Download a fresh copy and try again.[/list]
[list]File OK - The file isn’t corrupt. It is an exact copy of the one on the server. There is a conflict between the file and the unzipping program.[/list]
[list]Error - There is something wrong with the Jaikoz.md5 file.[/list]

Tell us how you get on.

Thanks Diezel, the earlier reply (from anyonymous) was from myself I was just using another browser which didnt log me in automatically, Pitman please follow the instructions and report back

Please simplify the instructions - down to “take the mouse and click…” I don’t understand a word you are saying. Sorry. And leave out non-instruction parts.

Goto website
Extract it to directory with winzip
Start Command Window
Go to where you extracted the md5sums program and run against your jaikoz download

For example:If you put md5sums into C:\Apps and downloaded Jaikoz to C:\download run the folowing command:
C:\Apps>md5sums c:\download\

Then copy the output to this forum

What do “run against your jaikoz download” and “run the folowing command: C:\Apps>md5sums c:\download\” mean? Sorry.

Open Comand Prompt
Cd to where you md5sums
copy to same place
Type md5sums

I gave up; I just put my music on an external hard drive that I have, tried to get the latest version of Jaikoz on my laptop (which I did successfully; it must have just been this computer that wouldn’t get it), plugged in my external hard drive and did it on my laptop. So, everything is okay, now, right? — WRONG. Okay, the first time I try it, it gives me some kind of error message; I didn’t pay too much attention to it. So, I aborted and thought if I tried it again, it’d work. I tried it again and it says on the console (or whatever the thing is that says what you’ve done) “SEVERE: Unexpected problem with Jaikoz” and then “SEVERE: rethrew: {E301}: XML document structure must start and end within the same entity” Although, it continues tagging the music from MusicBrainz — and at the normal speed. It stopped at 6014 out of 6040 songs, and I clicked “Finish”. I aborted and thought I’d try ONE LAST TIME. When I tried the third time, it did the same thing, but didn’t mention the XML thing - it said something was wrong but not anything specifically. It also stopped at 6013 songs instead. I went ahead and continued and saved to my external hard drive, knowing that I could just later delete it and put the correct information from my computer. Should I ignore this? Since it continued tagging, will this affect its reliability on tagging — then, if not, should I ignore it?


It sounds like you have a problem with just one file, it shouldnt effect the others. can send your log files to the email address they will be named jaikoz-user0.0.log and jaikoz-debug0.0.log

I don’t know what my log files are and don’t know how to get them because I’m stupid with computers (as if you didn’t already know), so, unless it is really important for me to send them to you, can we please just forget about it? (And I know if you tried to explain it to me, I still wouldn’t understand).

Ok, let leave it as this: if you have a problem with one mp3 file, and you want it sorted, send me the file and I will fix the problem in the next jaikoz release, otherwise just leave it :slight_smile:

I tried getting Jaikoz on my default computer (the one that wouldn’t let me get the last verion) AND my laptop (the NORMAL computer that would actually let me get the last version). Both wouldn’t let me get it, and both did the same thing. Everything went okay, until I got to the part where I was supposed to click on the icon with the picture of the rocket coming out of a cup of coffe to the left of its text, which says says:

LaunchAnywhere GUI
Zero G”

I clicked it, and got this message:

"Fatal Application Error

[An upside-down Yellow Triangle with an Exlcamation Point] Unable to Luanch Java Application

Unable to locate the application’s ‘main’ class. The class ‘com.jthink.jaikoz.Start’ must be public and have a ‘public static void main(String [here, there is an upsdide-down rectangle])’ method. (LAX)

[clickable box] Details… [clickable box] OK"

I clicked “Details…” and got this:


[An upside-down Yellow Triangle with an Exlcamation Point] Application Exception Details

java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/jthink/jaikoz/Start (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0)
\tat java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
\tat java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
\tat Source)
\tat Source)
\tat$100(Unknown Source)
\tat$ Source)
\tat Method)
\tat Source)
\tat java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
\tat sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
\tat java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
\tat java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)
\tat java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
\tat java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
\tat com.zerog.lax.LAX.launch(DashoA8113)
\tat com.zerog.lax.LAX.main(DashoA8113)

[clickable box] OK"

Can you help me?