SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Can't access SongKong licence - can't run SongKong

I can no longer use SongKong as I get the following error message:

I checked if the MacBook Pro Firewall was allowing SongKong - and it is.
I have removed and reinstalled the SongKong App, but I still get the same error.
Even tried turning the Firewall off (temporarily) and that didn’t work either.
I’m running Sequoia 15.3.2 on a 16" MacBook Pro M3 Nov. 2023 (fully up to date).
Any ideas?
Kind regards
Terry Trinder

Is it still happening or has it resolved itself.

Good morning Paul
I’m afraid it is still happening.
I wondered if it was a server side issue your end, but perhaps it isn’t?
I haven’t rebooted the MacBook Pro today, as I am in the middle of transferring Terabytes of music from one server to another.
I will try again later, when I can pause that process.
If there is anything else you want me to try, or know about my set-up, please let me know.
Kind regards

I’m away from office at moment without computer zo cannot do much at moment but I will have a look later.

No problem, Paul, it can wait.

I stopped the server copy (I think it will take most of today to finish), rebooted the MacBook Pro and, as I expected, the problem hasn’t gone away.

Screenshot 2025-03-23 at 12.38.17

I have also attached a copy of the debug log (detail level set to fine), imported into Excel.

Hope this helps.
Please let me know if you need anything else.
Thanks for your help, in advance.

Kind regards

SongKong-debug-230325.xlsx (16.2 KB)

Hi, I checked license by installing it here and it worked fine, so license and server seem, okay
In your logs there is this error


but I dont know why that is happening, never seen before, when did the error start occurring, when did it work before that ?

Hi Paul

Regarding ‘when did it work last?’, I am probably a very unusual customer. Let me explain.

SongKong was a purchase originally suggested by my HiFi dealer Steve because I have over 4000 CDs that I intend to rip to my Melco N10/2 H50 music server. Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, I still haven’t started that marathon task but I fully intend to in 2025 - at which point I will undoubtedly use SongKong to get the correct CD details into my Roon library.

So I have never actually used SongKong - but I’ve religiously paid for upgrade licences and kept your software up-to date ever since the original purchase (I think that was in 2021).
In all that time of updating SongKong for Melco, I can say this is an error I have never seen before.

I know it wasn’t happening after your latest version was installed, late Feb 25, but there has been one significant recent piece of software installed on my MacBook Pro since then and I’m not sure what (if any) impact that has had on this situation?

On 13 March, Steve delivered a Trinnov Nova. This is actually a piece of Recording Studio kit, which performs room correction for my Kii Three/BXT speakers.

Because it makes a truly unbelievable improvement to my soundstage, there is absolutely no way that the Trinnov software can be removed. Possibly even just removed and reinstalled: this is because the Nova has to be calibrated using a highly specialised (and expensive) 4-way microphone.

To cut costs in my 2025 ‘HiFi-budget’, I got Steve to do that calibration for me, using his own (demonstration) microphone / stand, as I intend to purchase my own set in April 2026.

Although the Trinnov software has an ‘export’ function for the configuration settings, I need to check with Steve (and/or Trinnov) if the export/import function works 100%. If it didn’t and if I removed the software and couldn’t reinstall it then I would be somewhat embarrassed to ask him back to re-calibrate the system.

I hope you can see my current options regarding software [re]installations is complex.
Perhaps I need to wait until you bring out a new version of SongKong?
I hope you can still help me.

Kind regards

One last thing - I have just installed the Trinnov app on my old iMac (which runs Catalina 10.15.7), although I haven’t yet imported the configuration file (and I have turned the HiFi off until tomorrow). But their latest software has installed OK.

I have fired up SongKong and upgraded it to the latest version 11.4.

What is really interesting is that SongKong does not crash, as it does on the 2023 Macbook Pro.

So I have attached an Excel of the debug log from the iMac.

Because the old iMac (whilst still working) can’t be upgraded to a higher [current] Mac OS, I can’t compare like-for-like situations.
However, I hope it can help in some way?

Kind regards
TerrySongKong-debug-iMac-Catalina-10.15.7.xlsx (11.7 KB)

Hi, I don’t think the Trinnov software is anything to do with the issue. It’s looks more like a firewall/antivirus thing. You say you have disabled firewall and that didn’t resolve issue, do you have any antivirus software installed, are you using a VPN or anything changed network related?

Hi Paul
You were absolutely correct. It was the Antivirus at fault.
I have reinstalled then uninstalled McAfee Total Protection on the MacBook Pro (the 2nd time correctly using their app) and now SongKong works perfectly!

Laughably, once reinstalled ‘correctly’ it was the McAfee program that wouldn’t run correctly.

Luckily, it only cost me £7, as an option with my latest Microsoft 365 subscription.
You live and learn!

Thanks again for the support - much appreciated

Great, thanks for letting me know.