SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Cannot Connect to MusicBrainz

I recently updated to the newest (2.6) version of Jaikoz. I was able to correctly process about 1000 of 3000 songs. All of them have been locally corrected and have Unique Acoustic IDs.

The problem is in the past day while processing musicbrainz ID’s, It begins to process songs, but after the first 100 songs (which it does not find MB ID’s for) it says that it cannot contact the musicbrainz server. I have no problem connecting to the internet and can’t seem to figure out what, if anything has changed…

Any ideas?

Previously Jaikoz could hang if Musicbraizn did not respond at all because there was no timeout set, now there is a timeout of 15 seconds but this should be ample time to get a reply under normal circumstances.

Please try again, and I will follow this up with Musicbrainz.

I got the same problem. Apparently my internet connection sucks pretty bad, which means that a timeout of more than 15 seconds is not unusual. Is there any possibility to extend this limit?

Increasing to 60 seconds in 2.6.1 bug fix release

Hey Paul, I’m considering purchasing the software after the trial but I get this error a lot. Is there a planned release date for the fix?

Just bought the software today and I am happy to see how quickly your service responds. Is there a date yet for the 2.6.1 release?

It will be within the next seven days

Hi, are you just getting retry warnings but getting the data eventually or failing to get the data at all ?

I’m getting the problem myself on my average speed broadband connection, but increasing the timeout to 60 seconds isn’t helping. Either MB returns the results within a second, or it just hangs until the timeout expires.

Jaikoz retrys upto 5 times so normally will get the information from MB, but increasing the timeout limit just increases how long it waits between retries it doesn’t appear to reduce the number of timeouts. SO for this reason I don’t really want to increase the timeout from 15 to 60 second because this could increase the total time to retrieve info from 61 seconds (4 * 15 + 1) to 241 seconds ( 4 * 60 + 1).

My problem turned out to be my firewall for some reason I wasnt getting all of Musicbranz replies back, Musicbrainz itself is rarely under too heavy load to service requests so could you try temporariliy turning off your firewall and see if you still get problems.

For this reason I don’t want to increase the timeout (in fact I am tempted to decrease it) because that would just cause jaikoz to delay longer than it really needed to when there really was a problem. This has the side effect of delaying attempts to cancel tasks because the cancel does not occur until the timeout expires.

Anybody having timeout problems please try this workaround to see if it solves your issue.


I was trying to remote correct my tags using MusicBrainz yesterday. After some successful initial attempts, I couldn’t connect to the server any more. The console showed 401 error codes (Authentication required) for every request.

What I was trying at some point was switching from the master server to the UK mirror. But even reverting back to the initial values didn’t help. Anybody else experiencing this? Maybe just a temporary server hickup?

This is with Jaikoz 2.6.1 on OS X 10.5.5 with the latest Java Update installed.


Are you sure you reset the values correctly. I can double check your setting s if you send them to me (using Action/Create Support Files)

Paul, thanks for helping me with this. How can I send the files to you? I can see I could attach files to this thread entry, but how can I send them to you privately? If I select PM, I only get an editor for text and no button to attach files.


Something is really weird here. I tried to contact the master server again today. Works fine from the browser, but not from within Jaikoz. I tried and I always got 401 replies.

The I switched to the UK server. Tried first with, then with I now get “server busy” (503) replies from MiniProcess 0. When I switch back to, I get those 503 for the master server as well. No more 401s.

This feels like there’s something wrong with either my settings or how Jaikoz stores them.


Hi set your settings back to to the main server, then just email me the files to support at jthink dot net


Just purchased Jaikoz today and am having the same issue as some of the above users. Musicbrainz times out with a 503 error at approximately the same # tracks after each “Autocorrect”. I’m guessing it’s some kind of timeout but I’m not sure if it’s Jaikoz, the Musicbrainz server, or some setting on my machine.

I have whitelisted jaikoz.exe as well as javaw.exe on my firewall.

I am using Vista SP1.


Here are some notes that I get from the Console:

[quote]Oct 12, 2008 10:17:39 PM: INFO: Started Correct Tags from MusicBrainz on 6,507 files
Oct 12, 2008 10:17:59 PM: WARNING: MiniProcess 0 having problems connecting to MusicBrainz Service, may be down or just busy, retry attempt 1
Oct 12, 2008 10:18:01 PM: WARNING: MiniProcess 0 having problems connecting to MusicBrainz Service, may be down or just busy, retry attempt 2
Oct 12, 2008 10:18:03 PM: WARNING: MiniProcess 0 having problems connecting to MusicBrainz Service, may be down or just busy, retry attempt 3
Oct 12, 2008 10:18:05 PM: WARNING: MiniProcess 0 having problems connecting to MusicBrainz Service, may be down or just busy, retry attempt 4
Oct 12, 2008 10:18:07 PM: INFO: Ignored 119 tags because they already have a MusicBrainz UniqueId
Oct 12, 2008 10:18:07 PM: INFO: Unable to find a match for 18 tags
Oct 12, 2008 10:18:07 PM: INFO: Corrected 0 tags from MusicBrainz successfully
Oct 12, 2008 10:18:07 PM: INFO: Completed Correcting Tags from MusicBrainz on 138 files
Oct 12, 2008 10:18:09 PM: SEVERE: Warning Musicbrainz Server Busy:503[/quote]

Hi the 503 error could be misleading I have just discovered the following bug that will affect a small amount of files.

I would need you to send me your logs with Action/Create Support Files to check but I think you are encountering the follow error.

The error will only occur for tracks that have no artist, no album and a track no of the form x/y. What happens is Jaikoz constructs a query based partly on the track no but because track no isn’t a simple number (i.e 1 versus 1/10) it fails to extract the number properly and the query sent to Musicbrainz is invalid. The workaround is to manually change the trackno field or run Action/Local Correct/Track No Correct to change fields from x/y to x . Of course this means you lose the TotalTrack information. This will definently be fixed fopr next release.

That is DEFINITELY the issue I’m experiencing, Paul. I checked the file it was consistently reaching on timeout and it fits the characteristics you describe:

-no artist
-no album
-track in fraction form

Removing the track from Jaikoz (“Close File”) resolved the issue and I’m now querying MusicBrainz for files beyond the point where it was timing out.

Not a fix, per say, but at least a workaround until the next release :slight_smile:

I was about to post about a “503 Busy” problem I had, when I decided to search the forums first and found this post. This is probably the same problem I am having. The console (which is always open because I start Jaikoz with jaikoz.bat) even shows the partial queries used:

The track in question only has a title (“Psycho Theme”) and a track number specified. The track number is not in the format TrackNumber/TotalTracks; it’s actually just “00”. It also has a MusicIP ID, “f40d920b-dea0-5e9d-a8d9-c0d9bd3bcb36”, should that matter. :slight_smile:

Do you already have an idea when a version with this fixed will be released?

The track in question only has a title (“Psycho Theme”) and a track number specified. The track number is not in the format TrackNumber/TotalTracks; it’s actually just “00”. It also has a MusicIP ID, “f40d920b-dea0-5e9d-a8d9-c0d9bd3bcb36”, should that matter. :slight_smile:

Do you already have an idea when a version with this fixed will be released?[/quote]
Ok so ‘00’ breaks it as well, This issue is fixed in dev but it might be a month before there is another release so you’ll have to work round it for now by modifying the track no field, or entering something in the artist or album field.

The MusicIP Id is irrelevent to this problem

A reply in less than an hour, that’s fast support! :slight_smile: