SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Cannot Connect to MusicBrainz


I found another issue. I had a song with the title:

Pavane Pour Une Infante Defunte\

The trailing backslash was causing the 503 error when connecting to MusicBrainz. The only error reported on the console was “MiniProcess 0 having problems connecting to MusicBrainz Service, may be down or just busy”…

Removing the trailing slash got rid of the problem. I don’t know if it is improper escaping of characters in Jaikoz or an issue with MusicBrainz.


Thanks JIm, problem verified

Is this random in nature?

If I get this failure, simply retrying will allow it to go further before perhaps failing again. Sometimes with a retry and will then fail around where it failed before.

However, with persistence, I can get it to complete.

I have been considering a downgrade to 2.6.0 just to remove the issues. Is this safe with the existing preference file or should I remove that and redo my settings.

Is this problem in 2.6.0 as well. I don’t recall seeing it before.


The error is due to the track being in the format TrackNumber/TotalTracks, so the best workaround is to run Track Correct with the default settings it will chnage the value to just Track Number, and then you shouldnt normaly get this problem. There are a couple of other issues that can give the same erro but these are rarer, if you want to send me your support files I can confirm if this is the problem you are having.