SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Artwork not auto correcting


Somehow all my artwork got super pixalated to the point that it was just a few colorful squares in the display. I thought that by removing the artwork and doing another auto correct would resolve the issue.

So I right click in the artwork column header, select "Empty Column" and all the artwork is removed. When I start the auto correct again, the artwork is not imported again.

How do I get them back? This is what I changed so far on my settings (not necessarily to fix this issue):

Save> ID3Tag V2> check " Save existing fields using these encoding preferences"

Save> Compatibility> "Do not unsynchronize ID3 tags"

MusicBrainz> Format> Artwork: "always replace value"

Remote Correct> Discogs> Artwork: "always replace value"

Computer = Windows 7 64bit. I use an iPhone to listen to music, but do not use iTunes to sync music.



Hi, please check Preferences/Local Correct/Correct Artwork/Resize Artwork if Dimensions Larger Than and make sure it is set high enough, this might be the cause of the original pixelation.

I would need to see your support files (Advanced/Create Support Files) to work out why you are not getting matches now.

Originally, It was set to 200. After reading through the forum, I realized that that was incorrect and bumped it up to 1200 before trying the auto correct again. Also, I used the auto correct at 200 for other folders and the images were fine. So not sure if there is a correlation there.

I have sent the file as requested.




Any update on this?


I thought it was working for you now ?

I’m sorry. It is not. I bumped up the “Resize Artwork if Dimensions Larger Than” to 1200, ran the auto correct, but the artwork still doesn’t populate. It seems like whatever the “Empty Column” option did, is preventing the images from re-populating.

Did you get my support file?


Yes, well you had alot of Discogs errors, and that is the main artwork source, can you install Jaikoz 3.10 and try again please.

OK. I installed 3.10 and re-ran the auto correct, but none of the artwork populated. Still have the issue.

Okay, you’ll have to be more specific.

How many songs are we talking about ?
Do the files have no artwork or blocky artwork ?
Do they have Musicbrainz Ids or Discogs Release Url Ids ?
What is Preferences/Musicbrainz/Format/Artowkr set to
What is Preferences/Remote Correct/Discogs/Artwork set to
What settings do you have for Local Correct/Correct Artwork ?

A little more looking and I noticed that if I look at the songs via windows explorer, there is still art work in them and it it blocky. However, I cannot even see the blocky artwork in Jaikoz. It’s like Jaikoz doesn’t detect the existing artwork, yet won’t pull down new artwork from Musicbrainz (or whatever source). Here are the answers to your questions?

How many songs are we talking about ? 559
Do the files have no artwork or blocky artwork ? Blocky
Do they have Musicbrainz Ids or Discogs Release Url Ids ? Yes, Musicbrainz ID’s
What is Preferences/Musicbrainz/Format/Artowkr set to “Always replace value”
What is Preferences/Remote Correct/Discogs/Artwork set to “Always replace value”
What settings do you have for Local Correct/Correct Artwork ? Max artwork = 5, resize artwork = 1200, ignore artwork = 125, allow artwork to be loaded = unchecked.

Try Action/Remote/Update Metadata from Musicbrainz

Ok, tried that. After it ran, a message popped up and said that it “Ignored 572 songs because they already have MusicBrainz uniqueid” yet nothing still shows in the Artwork column. There is just a number “0” in a square.

Sounds like you run the wrong option ‘Autocorrect Metadata from Musicbrainz’ you need to run ‘Update Metadata from Existing Musicbrainz Id’

Hey, that fixed the issue on getting them to show up again in Jaikoz again, only problem now is that when you view the song in explorer, everything is still blocky. I tried doing a force save but it didn’t help. The artwork looks perfect in Jaikoz however.

Any clues?

Have you saved your changes ?

Yup, regular save and forced save seem to have to effect.

I tried it with the new 3.10.1 with no results. Everything looks good in Jaikoz, it’s just not being transfered to the mp3 it seems.

Did you remember to save again, nothing gets committed to file until you elect to save

Yes I did

Need more details then, trying view the mp3 in another program (such as WInamp) and see if the artwork is visible.