SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Album Match Report not created when selecting specific Musicbrainz ID

Hi Paul,

I’ve just installed v10.10 for mac.

When viewing the match album report the ‘Browse’ drop down arrow no longers does anything when selected.

The other headings such as Options still works fine.

I have tried this on Firefox, Safari and Chrome.

Any ideas? Is there a direct URL I can use instead to try and get to the results that way?

Addendum - This only happens when I select to match using a specific musicbrainzid - basically, it doesn’t create a report, but opens the most recent report instead.

I will upload logs now.


Hi Nick

I’ve noticed an error with two fields they are referred to as URL_OFFICAL_ARTIST and URL_OFFICAL_RELEASE in profile but should be URL_OFFICIAL_ARTIST and URL_OFFICIAL_RELEASE (note the extra I). This is generating error in your logs and for me, although for me I have been unable to replicate issue with with browse menu (even when use problem profile and specify a MusicBrainz Url) so Im not entirely sure if this is your issue.

Can you try running Match One Album but select Default profile instead of Add new metadata only to see if that resolves issue, if so then I can give advise on how to fix the profile.

Hi Paul, I cannot reproduce the issue either now - even using the same album as before, so I suggest you close the ticket down.

The only cause I can think of is that the problem occured just after installing the updated version (on my mac), so perhaps I needed to close it down and restart the app again for a second time for some reason.

Anyway, thanks for getting back to me.

Ok, thanks it helped us to find a bug, this was probably cause of issue and maybe it has been resolved by resaving of profile.