SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Album Cover Overwriting

Overwriting the album cover has not worked in SongKong for a while now - at least not for me. Ihave uploaded the admin files. Thanks for a fix or a hint.

Can you give me some more info, is this specific to manual edit, from the reports you sent SongKong certainly thinks it has replaced the album coverr, how are you testing that the album cover is not actually updated ?

You are on a Melco, so are you updating MinimServer index, can yo check on the MinimServer page that the index is actually updated.

Here is an overview of the manual edit. Original artwork size is 1200px, new artwork is 1.500px. The button REPLACE ARTWORK isn’t do anything.

You are replacing a 1200px image with a 1500px image, the default max image size used by Fix Songs is also 1200px. I think Manual Edit may be using that setting as well.

Please try running Fix Songs and increasing the value of Resize artwork if dimensions larger than (pixels) then retrying in Manual Edit and see if that resolves it.

Thanks Paul. My initial “Resize artwork if dimensions larger than (pixels)” setting was already 10.000 px.

Hmm, okay because it working for me.

How are adding the artwork to the New Artwork part.

So here is a screenshot from one of your maual edits and the artwork does seem to have been replaced (the actual artwork is not sent over in Create Support Files which is why empty) , did this work or not ?

No, doesn’t work. I tried another browser, disabled all tracking protection.

The button “Replace Artwork” isn’t doing anything.

I created new support files. Maybe it will get more clear?

Well, something is happening, if nothing was happening it would not show that Artwork was being added and old artwork deleted in the browse part of report. Can you try using using two different images as a test, and after running Manual Edit then run Status Report to see what it reports.

That is interesting. In my previous attempts, I copied the folder.jpg file into the directory of my Melco where the respective album is located.

In the new test, I used a folder.jpg that is located in the download directory of my iMac.

It works with that.

Unfortunately was working only once.

So you are using the Browse option ?

Can you try my test please.

I did it that way several times - no luck.
Bildschirmfoto 2024-10-02 um 15.07.56

If I am using a complete different folder.jpg (e.g. from the Garbage folder) is is showing 3000x3000px after I pressed the Replace Artwork button. However after saving it is showing the the Garbage artwork - but with 1200x1200 px.

I mean use two different images as in different pictures so we can see if it is actually using the different image but resizing it, or using the original image.

Okay so just to confirm then is the problem not that it is not replacing the artwork but simply that it is resizing it to the default size (1200px) when you dont want it to resize ?

Yes Paul that seems to be the issue. Was a good idea to try a different picture. I have no clue why it is resizing and where to modify the default to a higher resolution.
I am away now can maybe give it another try tomorrow.

So i think the issue is it uses the default max image size, but there is no way to modify this when using Manual Edit, now that we actually have an option tab on Manual Edit we should add it as an option raised

Ah, wasn‘t aware of that default setting. I used Jailoz (which is able to add much higher resolutions) in the past and wanted to reduce complexity by only using SongKong moving forward.
Thanks Paul.