SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

2025:Jaikoz WishList

Its 2025 and we have just released a major new Jaikoz release, we would now like to do alot more!

We have made a list of ideas, this includes some porting of features from SongKong but other ideas as well, please vote it helps us decide on priorities and if your top requirement is not listed please post a reply if you want to discuss anything on the list.

  • Support for custom metadata fields
  • Support for Scripter task for modifying fields based on other fields (like SongKong)
  • Exterd Set Value to allow that use script to set to other fields
  • Support for Album Back Covers (like SongKong)
  • Support for Artist artwork (like SongKong)
  • Support for Acoustid Albums (like SongKong)
  • Add regular expression support to Find and Replace
  • Update Delete Duplicates so it matches SongKong features
  • Support for Pdf booklets
  • Support for APE Audio Format
  • Support for Profiles (multiple sets of Preferences)
  • Make Genres a grey list rather than white list (like SongKong)

0 voters

On my WishList

i’ve been a very pleased customer since 2008. jaikoz is indispensable to me.

but, why sooo long to get regex search/replace? i would think that would be one of the most basic tools needed to work with text data.

so i really hope it makes it, it’s a long time coming. please.

Yes I know. The issue was I used a Search/Replace module that works with tables provided by swingx but the way it was written prevented adding regex, i tried some years ago.

So I will try again, probably have to totally replace the module.


it’s a feature that would really benefit the whole community. for me, the rest of the list are features i have no use for.

i’d like to add one wish to that. the ability to save our regex patterns since we will probably be running the same ones repeatedly.

thank you again!

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What is this grey vs white list like SongKong? Just FYI…I think the ones in your list that are trending are all good options :slight_smile:

It allows you to accept a Genre (like Jaikoz) and accept Genre but replace with a different one, some details at Tutorial: Preferences, Genres

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