SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

word remover and filename

hi, i just registered and i’m sorry for my bad english, i’m italian.
so i have 2 questions:
1: when i try to correct metadata from filename it only check 5 songs from over 50000 songs available. it’s very usefull because it should only take those who have blank fields like title and artists. from there i would get the tags from MB having already some metadata, the problem is that i get only those 5 songs fixing. :frowning: what i am doing wrong?

2: from my whole collection i have a lot of songs that in title or artist there is like www.jhofhui.hjx or also Www.OiUY.uuu , many of them or are same in more songs but then those sites change .
so there is a feature that can remove those words in a way like this www.***. not case sensitive?

thank you,and if it’s not present could you implement it in a future update? i would get it imediatly

1: when i try to correct metadata from filename it only check 5 songs from over 50000 songs available. it’s very usefull because it should only take those who have blank fields like title and artists. from there i would get the tags from MB having already some metadata, the problem is that i get only those 5 songs fixing. :frowning: what i am doing wrong?

  1. You have five songs selected in the row header column because tasks are either performed on selected rownos, or all rows if none selected, try Edit/Select None and retry.

  2. Or it did actually check all 500 songs but only modified 5 because only 5 had a filename that matched your Correct Metadata from Filename mask.

3.Or some bug is causing an issue, sending me your support files (Advanced/Create Support Files) would help me.

Jaikoz has Edit/Find and Replace but unfortunately it does not yet support regular expressions. But Instead maybe you could just sort title and artist columns alphabetically, select the fields starting www. and use Delete in context menu to empty them.

ok thank you very much for your help, for the first question i will try the select none and retry. for the second question don’t you find that will be helpfull this feature?

Hi, yes it would be useful and there is an issue already raised

but I’m just saying its not implemented currently.