SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Won't Save Artwork Sometimes

Hi -

I’ve run across a problem in Jaikoz on Linux. It sometimes won’t save artwork that I put into the songs. I have used two means of adding the artwork:

  1. drag into the Artwork field.
  2. Auto update (ctrl-1)
    The Artwork shows up and I have to copy via ctrl-c/ctrl-v to the other songs if I just copied over the artwork and the entire albume appears to be updated. I can veiw the artwork and I see it in the field. I save the file (ctrl-S) and it sounds as if it’s re-writing the file. The change field is cleared.

But when I close and re-open Jaikoz and check the album, no artwork.

I have tried converting the album from JPG to PNG. No luck.

I’ve also tried blowing away jaikosdb in prefs. No luck.

I’m running Jaikoz 3.4.2. Build 1075
Java version is 1.6,
Running on Linux - CentOS 5.4.

The funny thing, it’s not consistent. I can reproduce it with one file but other files have taken and saved ok. Is there a size limitation. The image I’m trying to copy is 500x500. But the fact that it’s not consistent means the feature is useless to me. I never know when/if it’s going to work.

Any help would be appreciated - I’ve wasted a fair bit of time updating files to no avail.


Ok, more info. In looking at this more, it seems that this is only with WMA files. It’s not random.

I have been able to add the artwork for MP3 and FLAC files. DIdn’t even know I had WMA files. NONE of the WMA files that Jaikoz has touched now have artwork that Jaikoz can see. I can’t see any artwork in them in Jaikoz or in Windows Media player (from a Windows 7 system accessing the files over a network mounted drive). I can see all the artwork on the MP3s & FLAC files I’ve worked on both in Jaikoz as well as in Windows Media player.

So doesn’t WMA support embedded artwork?

Adding artwork to WMA shoud work, but doesnt seem to , thanks for bringing to my attention I will get this regression fixed for the next release.

ok, fixed in dev

Great thanks.