SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Windows 7 - trouble launching Jaikoz via jaikoz.bat

Probably a bone-headed question, but I’m not sure how to start Jaikoz using the provided jaikoz.bat file. When I right-click on it and say “run as Adminstrator”, I see a flash of a command window and then nothing else happens. What am I doing wrong? (I am able get the program to run using the icon that install placed on my desktop - but it seems to take several minutes before actually launching.)

I want to use the bat file so that I can increase all the memory parameters (using the suggested values in many of these forum posts), since Jaikoz seems to consistently crash and/or lock-up when auto-correcting 10,000+ files at once. This happens after I let it run for 12-18 hours. I then have to “kill” the program and all start over. (Very frustrating!)

In my last effort, I partitioned my music files into 4 separate folders and was successful in running it on about 4000+ songs, but before I saved all the changes, I made a blunder by clicking the menu choice to see album art full size. This tried to launch 4095 separate windows of album art at once. This completely overwhelmed my computer and I AGAIN had to kill the program and START OVER. A ~WARNING~ before it tried to do that would have been nice!

You didn’t told your Windows 7 version (32 or 64 Bit) nor what JRE you use.

With Jaikoz and Windows 7 64Bit, 8 GByte RAM, I load more than 50000 songs and can work with them.

Not sure which JRE I have - I think it is the latest version. I’m running 64-bit Windows 7 with 2GB RAM.

Regardless, can someone answer my question about launching via the bat file?

Look at my bat-file:
@echo off
“C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java” -Xms500m -Xmx5500m -XX:MaxPermSize=200m -jar lib\jaikoz.jar -l2 -m2 -f

adjust the memory and check the path for java and jaikoz.
I use jre-6u21-windows-x64.exe.
You’ll find it at:

Thnaks Alfg -
My bat file looks very similar (except Xmx is at 1200m since I only have 2GB RAM).

But I’m not sure how to “check the path for java and jaikoz”, and if they’re not in the path, what steps do I take to get them there?

If you use the link above I have posted for the JRE 64bit and install, you will have the right path: C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin.

And if Jaikoz.bat exist in C:\Program Files (x86)\Jthink\Jaikoz it will find jaikoz.jar in the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Jthink\Jaikoz\lib.

Use the default values for Xms: -Xms150

Thanks you very much for your help! :thumbup: